Wednesday, July 31, 2024

It's 'Orrible 'Arris

Every wonder why she is being pushed as the "democratic" nominee despite not having campaigned or won a vote?

Because she's 'Orribe 'Arris. She had such a poor showing in 2020 that she had to drop out early on.

And for those on the right who believe she is somehow a radical leftist.

Give me a break. You wouldn't know a radical leftist if they smacked you over the head with a smash the state sign.

There's no real difference between her and Trump.

Friday, July 26, 2024

Amazon REMOVES Books Critical Of Kamala Harris

No surprise here. Well, other than that her father is a true radical leftist. But Kamala is estranged from him and has been for a while. So much for Rita Panahi who is someone I think wouldn't know a real lefty if they smacked her on the head with a "smash the state" sign.

Don't try and raise our hopes with someone who is in no way progressive, Rita.

Rita should stick to Oz politics since she has no idea about US politics.

But that pretty much goes for most of the Sky News Oz crowd.

Alas, this is a clip of a much longer show, but Caleb Maupin is on a few others as well. Rita needs to swot up (do Aussies understand that term?) on US politics before she says ANYONE in the "Democratic" party is in anyway "lefty".  Start with Real News Network's piece on Undoing the New Deal: the 1944 Coup against Henry Wallace. Bernie Sanders wasn't the first "lefty" to be torpedoed by the duopoly establishment.

Next, Rita, look up "La France Insoumise", they do have translations of the material on the party. You will encounter something closer to the left that wants to nationalise industries and do things that real leftys like.

But steer clear of AI since it is horrible with languages if you need a translator. Mais je me porterais volontiers volontaire pour ce poste.

And while we're at it, this book has been censored by Amazon, which is a LOT OF POSTS relating to how they are something any freedom loving person should despise. Fortunately, you can buy the book at Lulu (, buying from something other than the monopoly called Amazon is a strike for freedom.

Do your research, Libertarians, Amazon is everything you claim to despise. 

Actually, Lulu is having problems processing the orders for this book. 

Thursday, July 25, 2024

‘Knows she can’t win’: Barack Obama withholds endorsement of Kamala Harris

The Dems haven't learned their lesson, but then again there are the people who will "vote blue no matter who" even if the candidate is terrible.


For me, Sanders 2016 run was a confirmation of how bad the process is. The duopoly is pretty bad with the Dems being open about how bad the electoral process is.

Not only will they push a candidate, they will push a candidate who hasn't gone through the process of campaigning for office. But that is because Kamala Harris is an awful candidate. I was surprised they picked her to be veep in 2020. Even more surprised when Biden-Harris won the election.

Anyway, Sky New Australia has a good piece on how bad she is and how she is dividing the party, but that began the moment Hilary Clinton ran for president in 2008. I have a long piece on why I don't like the Democrats. 

And the Republicans are pretty much the same thing. It takes culture war issues to give the appearance of a difference.

As I said, get ready for Trump II.

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

No, a vote for a third party is not a waste.

PBS has updated and is rereleasing this 1996 documentary about third parties and how they effect US politics. I strongly suggest watching it: especially if you want to see change.

Change does not come from the duopoly, change is forced on the duopoly from the outside.

From the transcript:

 When Americans demand a third choice, or even a fourth choice, it can change and renew the major parties, sometimes making winners into losers and vice versa.

More often than you might think, Americans have looked beyond the two major political parties and reached for a third choice. When they do, big things often happen in American politics and in American life.

Let's start at the beginning. First, why two parties? In fact, why parties at all?

In the beginning, the founders agreed they wanted no parties in their new country.

"There is nothing I dread so much as the division of the Republic into two great parties, each under its leader" - John Adams.

"Ignorance leads men into a party, and shame keeps them from getting out again" - Benjamin Franklin

"If I could not go to heaven but with a party, I would not go there at all" - Thomas Jefferson.

Vote for the duopoly candidates only if you are satisfied with the current situation.


Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Kamala Harris's Record Will HAUNT Her In November: Elizabeth Nolan Brown

All the people who are thankful that she is running are going to be in for a nasty surprise.

No, I will not vote for a duopoly candidate--especially not this one.

She makes Hilary Clinton look consistent.

And Sky News Australia agree with real progressives!

Could Kamala Harris actually win in swing states?

Sort of a repeat of the previous post, but a bit more in depth.

What I find interesting sort of goes to my comment in the previous post about the Democratic Party being in no way lefty. They ran when Sanders was running: and he is nothing compared to the left once one leaves the the United States.

Yet, he frightens the Democrats and Fox News loves to say how "socialist" the opposition happens to be.

But don't mention medicare for all...

Monday, July 22, 2024

Get ready for more Donald Trump

Joe Biden was bad, Kamala Harris is worse. She will not appeal to much of anyone other than the same people who would have voted for Biden.


In the conceptual blog post on how US elections are rigged, the Democratic Party and it's joke primary elections is a prominent feature. The Democrats would rather lose with someone like Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, et al than  run someone like Bernie Sanders.

And while Sanders calls himself a "socialist", he's pretty centre on the political spectrum. After all, he does represent a historically red state (and I don't mean that in the way the rest of the world does, which is socialist, communist, and beyond--except for Anarchists, who are black). So, the despite the Fox News attempt to make "socialism" a "bad" word, most people like it.

At least in its more moderate incarnations. On the other hand, maybe people in the US are total idiots.

I mentioned La France Insoumise, the ultra left party, which "won" in the last elections. I have to wonder what people in the US would think about things like:

  • reinforcing the 35-hour work-week and moving towards 32 hours (and people in Europe start work with three weeks PAID holiday/vacation); 
  • and reducing the retirement age to 60
  • The protection of common goods such as air, water, food, living, health, energy, or currency by preventing their commodification in order to preserve the general interest and by developing corresponding public services.
  • The separation of investment and retail banks aimed at separating speculative activities from lend and deposit activities in order to protect the latter and the creation of a public banking center, which would finance small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and carry out credit policy on social and ecological criteria.
  • Raising the minimum wage (called "SMIC") from 1,149 to 1,326 euros per month net for 35-hour weeks and raising civil servant salaries frozen since 2010.
  • Withdrawal from free trade agreements such as the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) and the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA).
  • The "democratic re-founding" of the European Union treaties including changes in monetary policy, common agricultural policy, and environmental policy. Failing this, the program envisages a "Plan B" of unilateral exit from European treaties, followed by proposing further cooperation between countries.
  • The implementation of an energy transition plan towards a target of 100% renewable energy in 2050, following the studies of the Association négaWatt and the public and interdepartmental agency of the environment and the control of the energy (ADEME). This transition involves shutting down France's nuclear power plants, criticised by the movement for their dependence on uranium supply, their alleged lack of safety, their radioactive waste management and their financial cost.

Even if some of those ideas didn't gain too much traction, it would be fun to see them being debated in an intelligent and informed manner.

Tuesday, July 16, 2024 - Mona Lisa Smile ft. Nicole Scherzinger (Official Music Video)

Something lite as a diversion from the insanity called current events. This is brilliant.

Sunday, July 14, 2024

Owen Jones on why Joe Biden Is a terrible choice.

I don't totally agree with him, but he has quite a few good points.

The only real choice if you don't like the duopoly candidates is Jill Stein. She is on enough ballots to get the 270 votes needed to win the electoral college.

And stop blaming the Russians, unless the DNC is run by Russians.

Saturday, July 13, 2024

Kamala Harris Ultimate Word Salad Compilation

I'm trying to find something that shows how poor a candidate Kamala Harris was in 2020. But the ultimate answer tends to be lost. Here's one:

The last time Kamala Harris ran a campaign for the presidency, she dropped out of the contest before a single vote was cast. 

After launching her bid in Oakland, California, in front of a crowd of 20,000 supporters in January 2019, she campaigned for 310 days before dropping out of the contest. At the time she left the race, she was polling at 4 percent or lower in polling aggregates — a complete flop. 

It was a stunning result: Harris had been seen as a rising star for most of her years campaigning for and legislating in the Senate, questioning Trump administration officials, and was viewed as the possible future of the Democratic Party as she prepared for a presidential bid. She didn’t get close to the nomination in 2020.

Another one gives three causes that stood out.

  1. Harris and her team were uncertain over which ideological path to take, especially as the Democratic Party shifted hard to the political left.
  2. Her campaign operation was chaotic and advisers were often divided, changing the campaign’s direction repeatedly.
  3. The Democratic base wasn’t convinced by her arguments about electability — and she missed her moment once real-world factors like fundraising, media coverage, and polling caught up.

But the major reason is that she is a really BAD candidate. I heard she didn't even have enough votes to carry California, her home state.

OK, Here's Tulsi Gabbard shredding Harris on her record:

Friday, July 12, 2024

Multiparty democracy explained

I thought about using just the graph, but I know that would confuse Americans. Especially the crowd who thinks that the Democrats are somehow the party of the "left".

Are you in for a shock if you belong that that group.

Above the purple on the left end of this graph is PCF, which is Parti Communiste Français. LFI is La France Insoumise, which is an even further left-wing to far-left political party in France. It was launched in 2016 by Jean-Luc Mélenchon, then a Member of the European Parliament and former co-president of the Left Party. It aims to implement the eco-socialist and democratic socialist programme L'Avenir en commun. 

But, having something to the left of Communism should clue you in for this is a fun ride. You can learn more about them here:

And, yes, I do support multiparty democracy which has parties like this one and Marine Le Pen's Rassemblement national, which is what was once known as the National Front. And is pretty extreme right.

I mean, Europe did have fascism. Soooo. And I'm learning about something called Operation Gladio.

And there are 14 other parties in between!

I have to admit that true multiparty democracy is a lot confusing, even if you are a fan. So, I can't get too deep into this, but it was not a victory for the far left. It also wasn't a victory for the far right. This is because neither party had a majority. This means that there will either have to be a coalition, or a new election. The government will function, which is what an "executive" branch should do: make sure things tick along.

But, yes. I do support this even if there are extreme parties and run off elections, but at least there are parties which represent the people. There is also a need to work together for the common good.

Thursday, July 11, 2024

Congressman Makes HUGE Admission About Bernie's 2020 Primaries

OK, we now have it out in the open what we guessed happened all along: Sanders was going to win the nomination. So, the Democrats circle their wagons and run two of the worst possible candidates. Of course, they "won" the nomination if you really want to believe that. But doesn't it stink that the DNC that year was VIRTUAL??? I mean an unpopular candidate somehow manages to beat a popular one.


No, vote blue no matter who and get someone who belongs in a memory care unit, not the white house. It's time to look to another party that really represents the people.

As I said, I Demexited in 2016 because the Democrats became too obvious that they don't want to represent me.

And, elections are rigged in the US. The primaries being a really glarring example of it. The US needs to stop funding private elections with public money.

Wednesday, July 10, 2024


How Do You Do, Fellow Progressives?
That should be obvious by now, but they prefer to run candidates of questionable ability: even if that means losing to Trump.

It's been nearly two weeks and Dementia Joe is still the Democratic candidate for president: despite it being REALLY obvious that he isn't fit for the job.

He wasn't in 2020. In fact, both Biden and Harris were weak candidates who somehow managed to defeat a popular candidate from the "left".

Bernie Sanders.

The thing is that Bernie Sanders represents a solidly Red state, with the possible exception of Burlington. In fact, a Sanders candidacy would have shaken the US political landscape quite drastically. But he was suppressed for good reason if you want to keep the joke that is the US political system.

And despite what Fox News and their ilk will tell you, the Democrats are not a party of the left. Otherwise, they would have run Sanders. But the Democrats have a long history of making sure candidates like Sanders don't win (look up Henry Wallace).

There's a reason that "Hot button" issues are the ones being discussed rather than the real issues facing the United States country. This means that pretty much anyone who sides with the Democratic party doesn't have a lot of support from me.

And they are not what I consider to be true progressives.

Because voting "blue no matter who" is what led to this mess.

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

George Monbiot EXPOSES Keir Starmer’s Hollow Victory

OK, this is concerns British politics, but it relates to the rise of the "right". Especially since he talks about "Killer Clowns", which is embodied in the United States by someone like Donald Trump (ici par Marine LePen).

The problem was that the Dems could have run Bernie Sanders who is lefty, yet represents a solidly red state, who would have brought a kind of left wing politics. But Bernie is hardly left outside of the United States.

The real takeaway is that the same lesson can be learned in the United States.

And some Jonathan Pie, who I pretty much forgot about post-Brexit.

Monday, July 8, 2024

How U.S. News Media Manufactured ‘Antisemitism on Campuses’

It never fails to amaze me how this ignores anti-Zionist Jews.

And the fact that the bulk of zionists are Christian Zionists who only support Israel so that it will create a massive war to bring about the Second Coming. That really needs to be mentioned when someone spouts this non-sense.

Sunday, July 7, 2024

No Scandal for Joe Biden???

As someone who has been asking about Hunter's laptop for some time, I know that Joe is as slimey, if not more so than Trump (disclaimer: my cousin uses the same computer repair company for his business).

Trust me, we would have two candidates with felony charges if Biden didn't have dementia. That makes any comment about Trumps being a "man of his convictions" seem ridiculous.

"Trump is a convicted felon..."
"Yeah, well, Biden probably would be as well if he didn't have dementia..."

Jaysus, and you wonder why I am voting for the only third party candidate who stands a chance of winning?

Saturday, July 6, 2024

How the media turned on Biden

Actually, it was obvious in 2020. I want to write about how rigged US politics happens to be, but Biden "beating" Sanders in the 2020 Democratic primary was a case in point. The "Hidin' Biden" thing came from the liberal media because Biden wasn't doing interviews with even friendly pundits.

Sorry, right wing media, but the Democrats are in no way a party of the "left". They went with Hillary Clinton in 2016 and Biden in 2020. They would rather lose with candidates like these than run someone like Bernie Sanders.

And Sanders is pretty moderate if one leaves the US.

Friday, July 5, 2024

The exact moment Biden lost the debate | About That

From the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation. Just remember, if you want a real opposing opinion, you need to leave the United States.

And I suggest you vote Green if you don't like Trump.

Thursday, July 4, 2024

Kings and Queens

I was thinking that the current national anthem of Great Britain, and a few other places, is no longer "God Save the Queen" since the Queen died. It is now "God Save the King". But that thought has me thinking in truly republican terms: since the only real difference between a republic and democracy is that the republic doesn't have nobility.

That means a democratic monarchy can have a hereditary head of state who can be totally out of it, which in the case of Britain was King George III. Republics can have out of touch heads of state as well. Case in point: the United States for most of this century.

The truth of the matter is that the US Constitution was a waste of time and paper since the reality is that it is meaningless. Most people have no idea what it means. Toss in that there are dangerous sections which have been misinterpreted to the detriment of public safety. Yet, the Judges did not say this was a case of desuetude, but reinterpreted the constitution.

The reality is that there will not be a bloody civil war between parliamentarians and those who wish to keep the old system in the US as happened in the Commonwealth period under Cromwell. It may be more of a Glorious Revolution where the people make the changes from the bottom up.

Having idiots and  lunatics as leaders has shown that the executive is pretty much a ceremonial post, the way having a King, Queen, Duke, Duchess, or other ceremonial leader is in a monarchy. The real power is in the legislature. And, as Tip O'Neill said, "all politics is local".

The way to really get change is to elect local legislators who are committed to change.

And the documentation will follow.