Saturday, August 31, 2024

Why do Christians support the persecution of other Christians?

 I am talking about the Christian Zionists who support Israel for whatever their misguided reasoning happens to be. This is despite the plethora of evidence that the Zionist state attacks Christians.

FYI, since people in the US happen to be ignorant as hell: The Levant is the cradle of Christianity. This is a definition of the Levant:

an approximate historical geographical term referring to a large area in the Eastern Mediterranean region of West Asia and core territory of the political term Middle East. In its narrowest sense, which is in use today in archaeology and other cultural contexts, it is equivalent to Cyprus and a stretch of land bordering the Mediterranean Sea in western Asia: i.e. the historical region of Syria ("Greater Syria"), which includes present-day Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria, the Palestinian territories and most of Turkey southwest of the middle Euphrates. Its overwhelming characteristic is that it represents the land bridge between Africa and Eurasia. In its widest historical sense, the Levant included all of the Eastern Mediterranean with its islands; that is, it included all of the countries along the Eastern Mediterranean shores, extending from Greece in Southern Europe to Cyrenaica, Eastern Libya in Northern Africa.

 And the Levant has quite a few Christians within its territory. Although, recent history has seen them emmigrate. This is expecially true in Palestine. This video comes from the Rev. Munther Isaac:

He writes:
"An Israeli airstrike injured my sister, Fadwa, and my niece, Maria, as it targeted a house next to Saint Porphyrius church in Gaza, killing women and children from our Muslim neighbors.

Saint Porphyrius church community is yet again in danger by the Israeli murderous military"

The Church of Saint Porphrius is the oldest active church in the city. Located in the Zaytun Quarter of the Old City of Gaza, it is named after the 5th-century bishop of Gaza, Saint Porphyrius, whose tomb is situated in the northeastern corner of the church. A church was built on the site as early as AD 425, but the construction of the current church was undertaken by the Crusaders in the 1150s or 1160s; they dedicated it to St Porphyrius.

The church was sheltering hundreds of people when an Israeli bomb severely damaged one of the four buildings in its compound on Thursday evening, causing its ceiling to collapse and leaving dozens trapped under slabs of concrete, according to witnesses in October of 2023.

This is one of many daily attacks on Christians by the zionist regime which some Christians ignorantly suppport.

These people who claim to be Christians need to pray and meditate on how THEY would feel if they were being subjected to this treatment, yet the world did nothing.

In everything, then, do to others as you would have them do to you. For this is the essence of the Law and the Prophets--Matthew 7:12

Luke 6:31
Do to others as you would have them do to you.

Galatians 5:14
The entire law is fulfilled in a single decree: "Love your neighbor as yourself."

James 2:8
If you really fulfill the royal law stated in Scripture, "Love your neighbor as yourself," you are doing well.

Luke 6:31
And as ye would that men should do to you, do ye also to them likewise.

Matthew 22:39,40
And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself…

Leviticus 19:18
Thou shalt not avenge, nor bear any grudge against the children of thy people, but thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself: I am the LORD.

Isaiah 1:17,18
Learn to do well; seek judgment, relieve the oppressed, judge the fatherless, plead for the widow…


Monday, August 19, 2024

Euro 1 to Euro 6 – Euro automobile emission standards explained

I don't really have a problem with driving in Paris since I usually take public transportation, but this popped up on my social media feed. It's your tough luck if you don't understand Italian.

I do drive, but it got me wondering what I would have to do should I decide to try driving in Paris again.

Which led me to learning that European Union regulations have been imposed on new cars, with the aim of improving air quality since 1992. This means that a car has to meet a certain Euro emissions standard depending upon when it is made. There are charts out there that explain which Euro rating your car is. Finding out whether your car is a Euro 6 diesel or a Euro 1 petrol, knowing your car's rating is more important than ever now, given the increasing number of levies and fines being introduced for older cars, especially diesels.

So, while people in the US are freaking out that there will be changes in automobile emissions standards with a push toward lowering them. That being tied to air quality.

The good thing is that older cars which are not as efficient will be eliminated.

But, yes, your cars in the future may not run on petroleum.

🚨BREAKING: HUGE problem for Dems!

I always thought she sounded stoned, but this is a real scary thought if this is true.

If there ever was a time for people to vote third party, it's now.

Friday, August 16, 2024

Unhappy with the presidential duopoly candidates? There are alternatives. Here's why you should vote third party.

Lesser evil voting hurts the voters. It also doesn't help our political discussion.

This is worth a listen if you don't like US politics and want change.

Thursday, August 15, 2024

Kamala Harris Says She Was a Progressive Prosecutor...

There's a reason why she dropped out in 2020, yet the Democratic party is trying to ram her down our throats without her having to go through the primary process. She doesn't withstand scrutiny, yet she is getting a pass from the media.

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Revealed: the hacking and disinformation team meddling in elections

OK, maybe you don't give an fcuk about Palestinians, but Israelis live high on the hog with universal health care, nice homes, education, and all sorts of other goodies paid for by the US tax payers.

You don't get the "socialism" and "welfare state", but you pay to support a nation that does not act in the US interest.

Remember the US Liberty.

Friday, August 9, 2024

Kamala Harris: "She's completely incompetent!"

I thought about posting Tulsi Gabbard ripping Kamala Harris on her record for those people who talk shit about 'Orrible 'Arris being "a real lefty". You can look those up since I disagree with Gabbard's direction these days. And there were questions about whether Tulsi was a lefty back in the day.

But as I like to say, most of "the Democrats are the party of the left" wouldn't spot a lefty if they walked up and smashed them over the head with a "smash the state" sign.

That said, Here is Norman Finkelstein who is a true lefty and the subject of "American Radical: the Trials of Norman Finkelstein"

Kamala Harris is in no way a lefty.

It's too bad the Green Party isn't allowed any publicity because we wouldn't hear nonsense about the Democrats being a "party of the left".

You know that Russian Interference?

Actually, it's more like they blame Russians for interference even though the 2016 election was thrown by the Electoral College, which comes from the US CONSTITUTION! It's called distraction.

 The Israel lobby actually does what the Russians have been alleged to do. 

And I don't care how pro-Israel you happen to be: that money would be much better spent here.

Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Democrats don't discriminate on race, religion, sexual whatever, disability, or just ability for that matter.

Former Labour Party leader, Neil Kinnock as Pinocchio with his wife, Glenys as Jiminy Cricket.
OK, I have a different attitude toward plagiarism than a lot of people. On the other hand, Biden chose to use material from Neil Kinnock. It wasn't that he was plagiarising as much as he was being totally insincere. Toss in he could have picked someone better to crib a speech from, as this image from the British satirical series Spitting Image points out.

But the democrats decided to run a three time loser who was beginning to show signs of dementia before the election even began. Then they decided to close ranks to prevent Sanders from getting the nomination.

And don't get me into John Fetterman, who should have withdrawn after his stroke, yet remains in office.

So much for the Dems being "wildly lefty" since what Sanders proposes is pretty much taken for granted outside the US. It's only in the US that people want to work themselves to death because they are heavily in debt. Go figure.

But I digress. 

Toss in that his running mate, Kamala Harris, pulled out of the running because she was a poor candidate. All the opposition has to do is to address her record and she's cooked.

But two really bad candidates managed to win an election based on "Trump bad".

I'm not so sure about Tim Walz, but I have the feeling that the Dems picked another "winning" line up.

Of course, I'm voting Green and hoping the system blows up.

Tuesday, August 6, 2024


 Yes, this is the long contemplated post about how hypocritical the US has been about pushing "free and fair elections on a secret ballot", which is a guaranteed right (e.g., The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) of 1948). Something that "western democracies" have been preaching to the rest of the world. While the rest of the world realises how rigged the system happens to be. I still want to find the quote from the African leader, probably Julius Nyerere, who said something along the lines of "We have a one party system. Does having two parties make you twice as democratic as we are? Three parties?"

I was just thinking about the people who like to believe their vote somehow counts in the corrupt US System.

So, let's start with the elephant in the room:


I've mentioned this one ad nauseum, but the basic gist is that the popular vote is pretty much irrelevant in electing the president. Most people don't give a shit about this unless it's their candidate who got screwed over. So, I am hoping that Jill Stein can win the electoral vote since she's on enough states' ballots to pull it off. So, a third party upstart winning the Presidential election with around 24% of the vote in a handfull of states might shake things up.

So, if you don't like the system and the duopoly candidates, Jill Stein is your candidate. Her winning the election will stir things up more than Donald Trump beating Hilary Clinton in the electoral college.

Take the test here if you don't think the Electoral College is something that needs to go:

If that doesn't get you to vote for Jill Stein, I don't know what will. After all, what would shake up the US Political landscape more than having a third party upstart win the election...

This isn't in any real order than what is coming to mind, so:


Every wonder why this process drags on so long: especially with modern communications technology? That's because the system is rigged so that candidates that don't have a lot of funding can beat out other candidates. And even someone like Bernie Sanders can get shut out of the nomination because the Political Parties are not governmental institutions, but private entities who make their own rules.

That should be pretty obvious if you have been paying attention for the past 3 presidential elections.

Unless you really believe that Hilary Clinton, Donald Trump, Joe Biden, and Kamala Harris are the best candidates the US could come up with...

Which brings us to the other elephant in the room:


That kind of goes with the previous aspect to this, but it goes well beyond it as well. The two parties go for who the big donors want, not the people. The "Democratic" party is really obvious about this. The big donors pick and the party tries to whip up enthusiasm for Joe Biden or Kamala Harris. Any candidate who talks about the issues doesn't make it too far in the process. Even someone as tepid as Bernie Sanders, who had popular support, will be pushed out for someone the big donors don't find threatening.

As I like to point out, which you will learn if you take the 270towin quiz, Vermont is a historically red state. And Sanders (along with Leahy) have represented the state.

You get the point.

Sure ranked choice voting is one way to fight this, but I would vote Jill Stein and then write in my dogs if we had that option in this election.

Ok, I could go into way more detail, but I am very frustrated by people who think voting for the duopoly is going to change anything.

Thursday, August 1, 2024

More 'Orrible 'Arris, and she's even more 'Orrible...

The scary thing is that I'm not sure what her position is on cannabis use. That's OK, I don't think she does either. For that matter, I think she's totally out of it.

We won't need ads telling people cannibis use is bad. We will just say--"look at our president..."