Thursday, March 6, 2025

Luigi Mangione--I'm going to say it again

 OK, if all the people who are denying the mountain of evidence against this spoiled, rich kid who probably has a personality disorder would shut the fuck up and work toward something positive, like health care reform, it would make sense.

But they aren't.

Instead they are supporting a murderer for some fucked up reason.

Supporting this scumbag is getting fuck all done for health care reform.

Got it????

Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Innocent until proven guilty?

 OK, I get it. According to the US Constitution there is a presumption of innocence until proven guilty, or at least a judge makes a conviction if the defendent pleads guilty.


In this case, we have video evidence tracking him that day. He's ID'd and caught with the murder weapon and the ID he used to check into that NYC hostel. I think there's some DNA evidence linking him to the crime in there as well.

And his manifesto is basically a confession, which pretty much takes it out of any exception out there.

It's pretty hard to deny the kid is guilty. And he's not really a very sympathetic defendant.

Hell, even his mother said she could she him doing it!

Unless you have a thing for rich, spoiled brats who might have a personality disorder and wish that he isn't guilty despite the rather overwhelming evidence to the contrary.

So, I'm guessing that his supporters are upset that their insurance is denying the procedure to get their heads surgically removed from their asses.

Oh, and for people talking about Luigi's search being illegal--there's something called "search incident to arrest".

Which is something I'm suprised all those "experts" out there aren't mentioning, but US legal education is crap.


Search Incident to Arrest.—The common-law rule permitting searches of the person of an arrestee as an incident to the arrest has occasioned little controversy in the Court.240 The Court has even upheld a search incident to an illegal (albeit not unconstitutional) arrest.241 The dispute has centered around the scope of the search. Because it was the stated general rule that the scope of a warrantless search must be strictly tied to and justified by the circumstances that rendered its justification permissible, and because it was the rule that the justification of a search of the arrestee was to prevent destruction of evidence and to prevent access to a weapon,2

Let's see, the cops are interrogating a suspected murderer who might be armed...

Of course, the defence wants this evidence suppressed. I mean he's caught red handed with the murder weapon and a confession.

As I said, the people who support him need their heads surgically removed from their anuses.

Saturday, March 1, 2025

What really explains Luigi Mangione fandom

I don't get how a rich, spoiled brat like Mangione can get sympathy for what he did, which is to plan out the killing of a person. He shoots his victim in the back and then runs because deep in his heart Mangione knows he committed a crime. Yet, there are people who support him. They way people found Ted Bundy attractive. Anyway, Reason pretty much sums up how I feel about all this:

Mangione committed a heinous crime: murder. And like an odious person is entitled to a legal defence, the victim is a victim of a crime whether we approve of their morality or not.

A smart kid like Mangione could have worked toward health care reform in a more constructive manner. I don't have sympathy for Mangione. And you need to examine your values if you do.

Friday, February 21, 2025

More militarised police--The Carabinieri

As I said before, Europe has had militarised police for a long time. In this case, the Carabinieri, which has been around longer than the country it serves (remember Italy was only unified in the late 1860s). And don't let the fancy ceremonial uniforms deceive you, the Carabinieri are a very professional police force.

As this video points out, the Carabinieri are loyal to Italy, not a political system. Well, they did support the King as opposed to the fascists. This loyalty led to most Carabinieri joined the resistance!

And while I like GIGN (Groupe d'intervention de la Gendarmerie nationale), GIS (Gruppo Intervento Speciale) are pretty top too. In there with Borstar and Bortac. Sometimes the best special forces units go unnamed.

Quite frankly, I would like to have a militarised force like the Carabinieri around if they put country over politics.

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

The United States is going under the sea.

Of course, I am talking about the ocean liner that was once state of the art, not the country. Well, at least not yet. 

I have mixed feelings about this since I have seen it in person. Toss in that it was a fast sailing ship, although I think that speed may not have been environmentally friendly. But it did use steam propulsion. This boat would definitely be more comfortable than even flying in the upper classes. Especially since you wouldn't have jet lag.

It wasn't the slower passages of other ships, but it still had that luxury that not being in a rush will afford you.

Anyway, it's strange that this is happening under the administration of someone who claims he wants to Make America Great Again.

Well, it won't be in the transportation sector.