Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Happy Fact-Disconnected Right Wing Cannibals

You have to give the fringie right, which increasingly includes CPAC attendees and those who are actively Tea Patiers and GOP active supporters, the full credit they deserve for providing entertainment.  There is nothing there of substantive factual value or analytical utility; it's a lot of toxic lint and dust bunnies kind of hate-fluff - but it's incredibly funny hate fluff, as they try to gum to death equally paranoid crackpot conservatives in a kind of vicious, cannibalistic frenzy. You have to give them credit for being equal opportunity bigots.  They hate everybody deeply, including apparently themselves.

My father used to avail himself of a very earthy, rude turn of phrase that involved reformed sex workers who became more self-righteous than normal non-converts.  He used the phrase to describe people who went from the extreme on one side of a position or ideology, who then went to the far extreme in the other direction with their beliefs. David Horowitz appears to be one of those who is incapable of holding a moderate view, who like some sort of addict, has to seek only radical positions where fact-averse extremism is an obsession. There is something truly disturbing about the far right extremist emotional ideology that verges on a political mental illness as it becomes increasingly more disconnected from substance and objective reality.  Attacking Obama for being Muslim or Grover Norquist for it, when it is not true of either man, is a bit like the spewing of paranoid schizophrenics who have hallucinations of persecution.

It is time for the right to man up, and to tell these freaks, like Horowitz, Pam Geller, and too many others to name here, to get off their side.  If the conservatives don't do that, they deserve the condemnation they receive -- and deserve as well to lose every election where they are running wacko extremists like Todd Akin, who apparently believe Planned Parenthood performs abortions on women who are not pregnant.  People like this don't want or need facts, they just swap crazy theories like common cold germs of political ideology.

From Rightwing watch:

'Practicing Muslim' Subverting the GOP

David Horowitz has been promoting his new book Radicals: Portraits of a Destructive Passion on conservative talk radio by attacking Hillary Clinton’s aide Huma Abedin as a Muslim Brotherhood agent and arguing that President Obama was only elected because he is black because “part of the racism of our society is [that] if you’re black you can get away with murder.” Horowitz’s interview with Janet Mefferd was no different, as he charged that Abedin “is a Muslim Brotherhood operative and she has been all her life” and that she has been pushing foreign policy favorable to the Muslim Brotherhood. Horowitz even said that Abedin “is worse than Alger Hiss,” the accused Soviet spy.
But it is not just the Obama administration which has been penetrated by the Muslim Brotherhood, as Horowitz warned that “the Republican Party has also been infiltrated” thanks to conservative luminary Grover Norquist, whom he said is a “practicing Muslim.” Norquist is a reviled figure among anti-Muslim activists like Horowitz, who in 2011 lashed out at Norquist from the podium at CPAC, mainly due to the fact his wife is a Muslim-American and he works with Muslim Republicans like Suhail Kahn.
Horowitz: We have a medieval enemy with twenty-first century technology aimed at us, they’ve infiltrated our government. If you wondered how it’s possible that Obama and Hillary would not know or would pretend what was happening wasn’t happening in the Middle East or how they could turnover Egypt as they have to the Muslim Brotherhood, which is the fountainhead of Al Qaeda and all of these terrible Islamic Nazi organizations, the answer is not really hard to find: the chief adviser to the American government on Muslim affairs, Hillary Clinton’s deputy chief of staff, Huma Abedin, is a Muslim Brotherhood operative and she has been all her life, and her whole family is. This is worse than Alger Hiss, for those in your audience who are old enough to remember, Alger Hiss is a Soviet agent who was right next to Roosevelt at Yalta.

Mefferd: It’s very true and yet you had these five congressmen, Michele Bachmann and the others, who tried to say the inspectors-general need to look into this, and even Republicans stood up on the floor and said no!

Horowitz: You had Boehner and McCain, and McCain is just bonkers. But the Republican Party has also been infiltrated. Grover Norquist is a Muslim, he is a practicing Muslim.
Later, Horowitz explained that liberals and radical Islamists are working out of their shared “hatred for America” and promoted the ridiculous and debunked conspiracy that Bill Ayers wrote Obama’s book Dreams from My Father.
Mefferd: Why is it that you see so many who are radicals and progressives supporting radical Islam?

Horowitz: Because they share a common enemy: the great Satan, which is us, and the little Satan, which is Israel. It’s very simple, the left for many, many years now, maybe half a century, has had no practical program, they have no idea what they were going to do with the world when they get the power. So what organizes them is their hatred for America. Why would you want to bankrupt America? Why would you want to take its military down? Why would you apologize to our enemies, as our President has done, unless you were a radical and you believe that we’re the great oppressor nation. I know he talks out of two sides of his mouth, he actually makes Bill Clinton look like a Boy Scout in the realm of rectitude in what he’s saying, this guy lies so easily. Of course because he’s black he gets a pass on everything. We have reached a very low point in our national evolution. I’m hoping that this book, you know it’s not going to change the world, but those people who are buying and reading “Radicals” will at least understand the mentality behind these people and how influential they are. Bill Ayers is an America-hating terrorist and was Barack Obama’s closest political ally for twenty years and wrote his autobiography.

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