Friday, November 23, 2012

Benghazi, John?

John McCain has backed away from his accusations about Benghazi.....sort of; that needs a much better clarification, followed by a genuine, unambiguous apology (not one of those non-apology apologies).

What seems more the case than John McCain having a legitimate beef with Ambassador Rice is that Rice is a surrogate for McCain to go after, when the reality is that Obama just won AGAIN, reminding McCain that he did not.  Rice does not deserve this, nor does Obama; it is one more example of factually unfounded and unjustified obstruction, and witch hunting to vent petty grievance rather than address legitimate wrongdoing.

I think Senator McCain should resign and retire; he is obviously exceeded his shelf life.


  1. FYI : McCain sponsored the resolution on September 12th stating :
    Whereas the violence in Benghazi coincided with an attack on the United States Embassy in Cairo, Egypt, which was also swarmed by an angry mob of protesters on September 11, 2012;
    Whereas on a daily basis, United States diplomats, military personnel, and other public servants risk their lives to serve the American people; and
    Whereas throughout this Nation’s history, thousands of Americans have sacrificed their lives for the ideals of freedom, democracy, and partnership with nations and people around the globe.

    Notice that there is no mention of al Qaeda ... admittedly, that was the day after the attack and Susan Rice did not go on the talk shows for a couple more days, but doesn't that indicate that the "talking point" was the Mob ... and if Susan Rice had stated anything otherwise, she would have been breaking news ... and potentially exposing CIA agents who were in the field ?

    All that stated, I am still not behind Susan Rice for State ... she has been too silent on human rights especially in Africa ... and she will not be a helpful negotiator in the Israel-Palestine conflict.

    1. I think the whole assault on Rice by the current GOP three stooges is purely about trying to open up the Massachusetts Senate seat held by John Kerry in the hopes of getting Scott Brown back in -- and my, wouldn't that be a pleasant pair to have share Senate duties for MA, given the bigoted attacks on the junior Senator by the former Senator? I don't know who the Dems might have in the warming up in the bullpen to follow Senator Warren, but for the moment it is likely that Brown would have a huge advantage just from name recognition over a new comer.

      No one for Sec State will be perfect, but Rice appears to be competent. Heck, I'd be happy if they brought back Madeleine Albright to reprise her role during the Clinton administration, or try Colin Powell again, for that matter.

      Maybe the MA DFL can tempt Maria Shriver to move back to MA, and to run for her uncle's old seat? Now THAT would be an interesting race............ if they are looking for someone to groom for a senate seat, in case Kerry doesn't run again in 2014....

      Just a guess, but I expect that Kerry will stay where he is, and only make a change, if he makes a change in 2014. But I think all of McCain's efforts, along with Ayotte and loopy Lindsay are nothing more than a cheap attempt to leverage the Senate balance. While Rice may deserve other criticism, what they are doing isn't fair or factual.
