Saturday, February 9, 2013

Conservatives and Hitler : The Facts are not their friends

1 comment:

  1. Add to this the Wonderful World of Virginia Foxx (R-NC), whom I consider to be the most powerful woman in the House of Representatives, and her presentation this week at the 2013 Natl. Assn. of Independent Colleges and Universities (NAICU) Annual Meeting.
    During a discussion of the “gainful employment” rule and the regulation of for-profit colleges, Todd Jones, president of the Association of Independent Colleges and Universities of Ohio, in a comment that drew applause from other audience members) said “If you look at where the defaults are, the significant numbers of students accumulating debt and not graduating -- they’re not in this sector, and they’re not in the public sector. They’re overwhelmingly in the for-profit sector.”
    “We’re supportive of the for-profit sector,” said Brian Melnyk, currently a Republican staffer for the House Committee on Education and the Workforce, and formerly part of John Kline’s Second District staff.

    When Ms. Foxx addressed the group, she warned them to watch out -- evoking the famous statement from the German theologian Martin Niemöller on Germans who ignored Nazi persecution. (“First they came for the communists, and I did not speak out because I was not a communist.”)
    “‘They came for the for-profits, and I didn’t speak up…’ ” Foxx said. “Nobody really spoke up like they should have.”

    Ms. Foxx also enlightened the audience with another analysis : An optimist says the glass is half full... a pessimist says the glass is half empty... a Realist knows glass will eventually need to be washed."

    Ms. Foxx, with the guidance of Chairman John Kline, should be working on the next reauthorization of the Higher Education Act … and for Chairman Kline’s part, taking another shot at dismantling the Pell Grant program.
