Sunday, June 2, 2024

Why you should vote for Jill Stein even if you don't agree with her politics.

It's not about the politics--it's about the system. Unless you like that your choice is between Joe Biden and Donald Trump.

There needs to be a radical change in the US election process which is run by the duopoly parties. And it will not come from the duopoly. They are doing everything in their power to suppress alternative parties from raising the amount of signatures needed on petitions to get on the ballot to straight off making it hard to run. The duopoly doesn't need to jump through the hoops to get on the ballot.

Change does.

The only way to shake up US politics is for a non-duopoly party to hit them where it counts--in the results. Getting just 5% of the vote will assure that the Greens are on the ballot nationwide.

And the electoral college can screw up the popular vote, but the duopoly doesn't care as long as it runs the show. On the other hand, six states can rack up enough electoral college votes to throw a spanner in the system since it takes 270 electoral votes to win. I've written more than enough on how the Electoral college is bad, but no one is listening.

A Jill Stein win will be shouting in their ears. But we don't need a win--we just need to show that the system is broken.

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