Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Opportunity Lost

When Barack Obama was elected, it was primarily done because people thought this country was heading in a very poor direction, that the middle-class, the environment, on health care, etc.., we had done little to nothing in the past 25-30 years to move in a positive direction.

He promised much, he promised "Change We Can Believe In", and we believed him. He sounded as if he understood the pain, the money crunch, the bankrupted families by health care calamities.

He has, in the course of 150 days or so, reneged on dozens of promises, that happens with politicians, but he has reneged on KEY promises which HE has the power to change without fighting with Congress, such as legitimately closing down things like secret prisons, FISA violations. He has reneged on promises not to tax health care benefits from employers.

When a President is elected he has a 'grace period' where his mandate (or her mandate) is essentially the de facto reality of what can be enacted. He has the support of the public, and he must act swiftly before that good will is gone. He can spend the good will on foolishness, like "Gays in the Military" which was not a foolish endeavor, but was foolish to have as the first thing on Clinton's agenda, or he can focus it on things like Bush did - (Star Wars, tax changes for the rich) forcing unpopular changes (with the other party) down the throats of the timid.

Obama had an enormous opportunity to change things. He claims he has been stymied by reluctant members of his own party, but even with more 'centrist' Senators he could have acted, he had a large majority in the House, and 58-59 Senators in his party in his court in general, and enormous good will from the public demanding change. He actually COULD have CHANGED things. He failed - he failed to act, he failed to oversee - the changes for Wall Street he's recommending are toothless and pathetic. He wasted his opportunity.

The ironic thing is, both the left and right now are criticizing Obama, but for entirely different reasons. The right will say, "Look, even the left doesn't like him" in their typically simplistic way. The difference is that Obama is acting like a Republican, cozying up to big business, to Wall Street, enacting meaningless reform, in short, he's doing what THEY wanted, meaning doing little to change the 'rich get richer' paradigm. They should love Obama, for, just as Rush Limbaugh hoped for, Obama is failing, and the country along with him.


  1. K-Rod,

    Buy a clue, get a vowel, whatever, something....


    I have read (and perhaps it's not true, but I'll go look), that in real dollars, Obama's deficit is a peer to the worst of Reagan's.

    Even so, the point, in case you missed it, was a criticism of Obama's failure to regulate the financial industry and to push forward with health care reforms so that people can afford care, even catastrophic care, should they need to.

    Next comment you make regarding 'liberal Fascism' without explanation will be deleted. I've told you why - I'm going to tell you again one more time - many liberals are Jews, many Jews are Democrats, many Democrats fought to end fascism, your commentary offends ALL of them deeply, not the least of which is among them are people in my family. You want to call it liberal totalitarianism, fine, but I won't allow it again.

    I hope you get the point, if not, then at least you'll know why you won't see your posts.

    I would take the same action should someone choose to call neo-cons traitors or Quislings or some such, it's highly pejorative, demagaugic language, and it's a line I won't have crossed.

    As far as founding father's intent goes, frankly I don't think you know your facts. Having read a considerable portion of the Federalist Papers, I'm quite confident Jefferson and Adams meant no such thing as you are trying to assert (i.e. that unfettered ability to use Government, power, and influence to establish monopolistic and predatory business was their intent). I understand you support no regulation - but clearly, CLEARLY the commerce clause begs to differ with you.

  2. BTW K- as far as looking for a fight goes, your language certainly seems to scream your belligerence from every jot, word, and tittle.
