Friday, August 7, 2009


"I think if the people of this country can be reached with the truth, their judgment will be in favor of the many, as against the privileged few.”
- Eleanor Roosevelt
American United Nations Diplomat, Humanitarian and First Lady (1933-45), wife of Franklin D. Roosevelt, 32nd US president.


"Facts are stubborn things; and whatever may be our wishes, our inclinations, or the dictates of our passion, they cannot alter the state of facts and evidence."

"No man who ever held the office of president would congratulate a friend on obtaining it."
-John Adams, Founding Father, Statesman and Diplomat, 2nd President of the United States (1797-1801) 1735-1826

Orly Taitz is the crazy blond lawyer who has been popping up on both serious and comedic media all over the place, presenting the birther case why Obama is not a valid citizen. But did you ever wonder where Taitz and the birthers get their info?

Now, apparently the Birther followers failed to take the usual Civics classes that I would hope the rest of us have passed. It does not matter where Obama was born, although clearly he has documented to a fare-thee-well that he was born in Hawaii. It does not matter WHERE Obama was born; because no one is disputing that his MOTHER was born in the United States, and was a valid U.S. citizen at the time of Obama's birth; or his maternal grandparents. Our laws require ONLY one parent be a citizen for their offspring to be born natural citizens, and in most instances, acquisition of natural born citizenship is also available through either set of grandparents who are citizens.

Article I of the Constitution, Section 8, gives the Congress the right to establish and define who is a citizen, and naturalization is 4th item down on the list:

"Article 1 - The Legislative Branch Section 8 - Powers of Congress
To establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization, "

For those who slept through American History, the Constitution was ratified in 1788, effective in 1789, with the various amendments expanding it over a number of years. The subject of who is and who is not eligible to be a citizen came promptly under the Naturalization Act of 1790; they weren't wasting any time defining who was and was not a citizen. (No surprise, it was pretty much white immigrants of European origins; people of other races and ethnicities, indigenous Americans, and so on were 'tagged in' later, in some cases, surprisingly later than you might expect.)

Here is one of the places where Orly Taitz has something; the Naturalization Act of 1790 defined citizenship as automatic at birth if born abroad rather than inside the U.S. for the children of FATHERS, but NOT MOTHERS, who were U. S. citizens.

EXCEPT that this has been amended in 1934 legislation to give equal acquisition of citizenship through a child's mother; and was further specified in 1952 legislation, well before Obama was born. That legislation was the Immigration and Nationality Act.

Title III addresses acquisition of citizenship - the correct term for what is under discussion. Title III also addresses the issue raised about John McCain's legal right to be President, as he was born in the Panama Canal Zone.

for Obama:
(g) a person born outside the geographical limits of the United States and its outlying possessions of parents one of whom is an alien, and the other a citizen of the United States who, prior to the birth of such person, was physically present in the United States or its outlying possessions for a period or periods totaling not less than five years, at least two of which were after attaining the age of fourteen years: Provided, That any periods of honorable service in the Armed Forces of the United States, or periods of employment with the United States Government or with an international organization as that term is defined in section 1 of the International Organizations Immunities Act (59 Stat. 669; 22 U.S.C. 288) by such citizen parent, or any periods during which such citizen parent is physically present abroad as the dependent unmarried son or daughter and a member of the household of a person (A) honorably serving with the Armed Forces of the United States, or20(B) employed by the United States Government or an international organization as defined in section 1 of the International Organizations Immunities Act, may be included in order to satisfy the physical-presence requirement of this paragraph. This proviso shall be applicable to persons born on or after December 24 , 1952, to the same extent as if it had become effective in its present form on that date; and
(h) a person born before noon (Eastern Standard Time) May 24, 1934, outside the limits and jurisdiction of the United States of an alien father and a mother who is a citizen of the United States who, prior to the birth of such person, had resided in the United States.

The section applicable to McCain:

(a) Any person born in the Canal Zone on or after February 26, 1904, and whether before or after the effective date of this Act, whose father or mother or both at the time of the birth of such person was or is a citizen of the United States, is declared to be a citizen of the United States.
(b) Any person born in the Republic of Panama on or after February 26, 1904, and whether before or after the effective date of this Act, whose father or mother or both at the20time of the birth of such person was or is a citizen of the United States employed by the Government of the United States or by the Panama Railroad Company, or its successor in title, is declared to be a citizen of the United States.

McCain is old, but he is not pre-1904 old; he comes from a family of famous admirals on his father's side, and his mother was born in Oklahoma. Had he been elected, he would have been 'legal' for the office of president, under these provisions. Interestingly, this is not a new topic; other presidents, notably Chester Arthur for one, also have faced the issue of presidential natural citizenship qualification.

So... why would Orly Taitz, herself from a foreign country, keep insisting that Obama is not eligible to be President? I decided to do a bit of research into that, since my own civics class days were a while ago. There are two conflicting legal premises involved, "jus soli", which roughly translates as "law of ground" and "jus sanguinous", the concept of "law of blood" which requires both parents to be considered citizens of the country, for natural at-birth citizenship purposes. Birthers seem fond of quoting the Law of Nations; the Law of Nations, which favors jus sanguinous, is not the law of the United States. In Europe, different countries opted for either citizenship based on jus soli, or jus sanguinous; in the U.S., we have more of a hybrid citizenship-by-birth, and we have over the course of our history passed laws in Congress defining that hybrid form.

It is fairly obvious that those in the House and Senate who have not taken a firm stand in support of President Obama in response to the Birther movement are not sincere. None of them appear to genuinely believe this is an issue. Others seem equally disingenuous in their statements. However, there are those who are perhaps more gullible, certainly misguided individuals who seem to sincerely believe that Obama is not our legal president. These people have the frantic kind of fear that is unique to ignorance. They are desperate to believe that however unlikely, it makes some kind of sense that we do not have a bi-racial black man legitimately occupying the oval office.

We cannot any of us know what their motivation is, although racism seems the most likely explanation. In watching the news footage, I have yet to see anyone who appears to be a person of color who is in terror of the results of the 2008 election. It is possible that fact and reason might succeed with these frightened birthers, but not probable.

There are few options to resolve the divide other than to try. The alternative is to laugh at them, but that doesn't solve the problem of segments of our political whole breaking off into little extremist shards. That process, the fragmenting of our political spectrum, ultimately weakens the whole, the opposite of unifying divergent views. Education is the only possible solution, beginning with our own information, and our own education.


  1. I don't give the birthers any real credit other than being woefully uneducated (most of them) in the basics of American civics. The fact that an attorney can spew such nonsense when she knows or should know that there is no basis in fact to back up her argument is baffling.

    Personally, I do disagree on how we should deal with these people. Ignore them. They seem to crave the media spotlight, and the more that they get themselves onto talk shows and other media, the more outlandish their claims. If the media and everyone else simply ignored them, I suspect they would go away.

  2. This effort, much like the effort against health care, are simply attempts to foment hatred from a rabid base, to avoid real discussion and/or to try to deny the President his aurhority to govern.

    These are not mistakes, these are not purposeful actions.

    The solution is to expose these folks as exteme and let the political chips fall where they need to.

  3. I hope that in reading my little article each person finds out some detail that is new. My reason for writing this was that I learned new things - like the fact that citizenship in the US for a very long time could be acquired from one's father if he were a citizen, but not from one's mother.

    There are enough weird wrinkles in our laws that for those who don't go digging, it offers confusion, and that confusion gives hope to those who don't want to accept the current status quo. I began by trying to understand the arguments held by the birthers, rather than simply dismissing them out of hand.

    Some of my own assumptions were revised in the process. For every proposed reason to believe Obama is not legit, there were strong compelling substantive arguments, facts, court decisions, etc. to refute them. But if you were not willing to go looking for those, or to accept those...there is enough confusion to hang a movement on for these people.

    That was my reason for digging out the most pertinent legal language. There was actually a lot more areas of conflict I could have addressed.

  4. Even people you guys would consider right wing extremists (Ann Coulter, Rush) have said these guys are nuts. When Bush was in office the same type of people were saying he bombed the pentagon, Israel warned the Jews who worked in the world trade center to stay home Sept 11. I pretty much disagree with 90% of what Obama does but as soon as the birth announcement in the Honolulu paper on Aug 5, 1961 said yesterday Barack Hussien Obama was born that was pretty much it. You have to be really whacked to believe they started a conspiracy to elect a foreigner that far back. Hawaii does have 2 different birth certificates and it is possible to get the one Obama posted online without being born in Hawaii. It isn't possible to get a birth announcement in the Honalulu paper a few hours after a baby is born in Kenya, at least in 1961 it wasn't. The only part of the whole thing I disagree with is the Hawaii government not releasing the birth certificate. They say that without Obama's permission they can only release it to "persons with a vested interest in it" meaning other official agencies like the passport office. I would argue that since being a natural born citizen is a requirement of the office of president that everyone in the US has a vested interest in the president's birth certificate. The other really good argument was made by Mike Huckabee. He is from Arkansas and knows the Clintons really well. He said if Obama was not a citizen Hillary would know and would have brought it out at the convention as soon as Obama started getting ahead in the delegate count.

  5. Oh just something funny on the topic of conspiracy theorists. A guy I used to work with believed that we never landed on the moon, it was all faked. My main argument to him was that Richard Nixon could not manage to keep quiet a hotel breakin that involved 4-5 people. Do you really think the same president could fake a moon landing and keep it quiet? Remember you would have most NASA employees, a large part of the US military, other militaries who tracked the launch on radar, all the news organizations, and lots of other people (one estimate was about 400,000 would be involved)and all these people would be still silent after 40 yrs. And remember the Russians tracked it and would do anything they could to discredit us at the time yet not a word. Conspiracy theorists are not interested in logic or facts.

  6. Ttuck,

    I agree the truthers and the birthers come from the same gene pool. My concern is that we're talking about 28% of the Republican party who believe this and another 30% who aren't quite sure what to believe.

    The truthers never amounted to more than 5% of the Democrats.

  7. I am not sure that is an accurate assessment but lets just assume it is. I would say the reason for the difference in numbers is that it is much easier to believe someone lied about where they were born (especially when their grandmother says the opposite of what they said) than it is to believe that a sitting president committed an attack on New York and the Pentagon. People saw a plane fly into the pentagon, people had relatives that died on it and so could say for sure it was not a missle. No one except some Hawaii officials have seen the actual birth certificate of Obama.

  8. No one except some Hawaii officials have seen the actual birth certificate of Obama.

    Not true tt - check out fact for starters. MANY people have seen the documents, the long form.
