Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Over the Side! You're Expendable IF You're Not a Republican!

By way of Yahoo comics, proving yet again that a picture is worth a thousand words (notice - no dangerous ice berg in sight, more like ice cubes by the relative proportion to the people).  This provides a brilliant focus on the right wing attack on women and children, unions, the middle class, and anyone else who is not on the wealthy side of the widening gap between those upper $$$$ 2% and the rest of us.  There is a great deal of truth in the observation that the budget cuts proposed by Republicans and Tea Partiers disproportionately target Democratic causes and Democratic demographic constituencies.

Could that little elephant throwing someone off the bow be Governor Scott Brown giving the heave-ho to a Union teacher?  Have yourself some fun assigning names of GOP politicians to the cartoon figures if you have a few moments to spare to amuse yourself.

Full attribution and appreciation to Tony Auth, and the Philadelphia Inquirer; and a special thank you to my friend Sara who gives me so many of the ideas for posts - and calls to my attention  many of the cartoons we post here.

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