Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Stewart Shines His Spotlight on the Murdoch Murk

Jon Stewart puts the focus squarely on what is hypocritcal on the far right political media, and the man who controls the puppets that do his bidding.  Like a modern Jonathon Swift, no one does it better, although Colbert does it equally well. I particularly enjoy Stewart recently pointing out the important distinctin in hacking stories between being the victim of hacking, and the perpetrators of it, as Murdoch's empire appears to be.

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Horrible Bosses
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The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Horrible Bosses - Fox News Won't Dumpster Dive
Daily Show Full EpisodesPolitical Humor & Satire BlogThe Daily Show on Facebook

1 comment:

  1. Murdoch will survive ... he’s just another media mogul ... my favorite is Reverend Sun Myung Moon ... known for his association with The Washington Times

    Reverend Sun Myung Moon, a South Korean theocrat who in the past has denounced the United States as “Satan’s harvest” and likened American women to “prostitutes” ... even proclaimed himself “the Savior, Messiah, and King of Kings of all humanity.”

    Remember “Koreagate” and Congressman Don Fraser investigation that revealed a sophisticated intelligence project run out of Seoul that used the mystical Rev. Moon to cultivate U.S. politicians as influential friends of South Korea – and conversely to undermine politicians who were viewed as enemies.

    Look at the news media today ... Low Information Voters can get daily emails from TownHall, Washington Times and other “fair and balanced” media outlets ... Murdoch will survive just fine ... heck, I suspect that Chris Wallace will not even mention it on his FOX Sunday program ... it’s old news.
