Wednesday, October 3, 2012

the Victim mentality / Comspiracy Theory paranoia of the Right

One of the reasons I want no part of the current extremist right wing victim mentality and political insanity of the right is that they have become delusional, they have begun to believe too many things without substance, with fear and suspicion.  Conservatives used to be more moderate, and intelligent; neither of those things appears to be true anymore, for the most part.

They believe all manner of individuals and groups are 'out to get them', organizing to do them harm or take advantage of them, and to subvert the country.  They ascribe significance and plausibility to the silliest of rumors and fanciful theories. It's not just birtherism, or poll trutherism.

They no longer seem to know how to find facts, or to recognize fact from fiction.  They routinely confuse incredibly stupid fantasy with reality.  They abjure science, and come up with the most ridiculous non-scientific explanations for things that can be understood, if they used the thinking rather than the emotional parts of their brains (an accusation once leveled at women as a group, but now demonstrated in conservatives by MRIs). The party which CLAIMS often and loudly that they believe in taking responsibility has taken little, if any.  These are the people who are the biggest blame-shifters I have ever seen in my entire life. A study comes out that documents men have smaller penises - the right wing nuts blame women, especially uppity women.  In the company of some female friends, we had a good long laugh at conservative men who believed this, drank a toast, and I stood up and made a mock speech to the effect that my Eeeeeeeevil plot had succeeded, our conspiracy to make their penises smaller was a success, but the real threat was if we ever introduced them to reality full time what that would do to their fisherman-exaggeration prone fragile egos. A study back in 2006 found the same thing, that the male organ was smaller than previously thought, but only slightly. What it did NOT find was that there was a change over 50 years. There is not a lot of evidence for that; one Italian study, cited by Rush Limbaugh, is of dubious reliability.  What we do know however is that we have aging populations, and that older men are longer in years.......but not as long as they used to be in some respects.  And the study itself - the scientists doing the study - blame global warming and other environmental factors.
Rush blames women who fail to be submissive enough, calling them 'feminazis' for the problem.  HOW women are supposed to have caused this to occur is of course one of those right wing nut unscientific attributions.  That women who assert they are equal become targets for right wing misogyny --- and I have had enough of my gender being blamed for male failings and shortcomings. Women are likewise blamed because apparently seeing our breasts, even clothed, causes men to act like, well, BOOBS. For example, as someone who is intrigued by neuro-economics, I find scholarly studies like the one "Bikinis Instigate Generalized Impatience in Intertemporal Choice", published in the Journal of Consumer Research to be fascinating.  But then I also found a study which showed that men's testosterone levels initially made them more willing to take risk, to the point of making poor risk choices, and then made them excessively risk-averse, too timid to take objective risk decisions too. What I don't find from the left or center however, is women being blamed for male problems in risk or reward decisions, or women being blamed for men's penis size. So it should come as no surprise when the old male right wing politicals think with their tiny balls and swollen old prostates, and have lost the use of the part of their brains used for critical thinking. It is an emotional rather than a rational process that ascribes noting changes in polls to secret cabals as an attempt to stop people from voting. 

The only political entity trying to stop people from voting are the right wing nuts, through voter suppression legislation, and altering polling place availability. I am fed up with beliefs unsupported by fact or reason about guns, about President Obama, about affirmative action, about women and reproduction and S-E-X, about the liberal media or their biggest insanity: economics. 

Right wing political positions are not popular; right wing notions about economic policy AND foreign policy are disasters.  Insulting large swathes of people, no mater how you try to spin it, is not going to put a candidate ahead -- and that blame belongs squarely on the candidate, no one else.

The real people who are deluded they're victims are not the 47%; it is the 1% who think they are being victimized by poor people; it is the right wing nuts who are frightened by the UN and a 'One World Order', and who knows what other stupidity.  I'm sick of seeing the right blame everyone but themselves, and I'm utterly sick of seeing them fail to take responsibility for their own stupidity -- like believing the Bush Tax Cuts could or would EVER result in economic growth, or that Global Warming is some sort of left wing conspiracy.

Hello - right wing? You're all crazy, dangerously delusional, and it's time to grow yourself a pair of balls, drag your brains out of storage and start using them again -- the critical thinking parts for a change.  No one else besides yourself really gives a tinkers damn how long your penis is when erect, and with effort, and maturity, you can choose to overcome your obsession with women's breasts influencing your judgment.  At least age will also eventually diminish old right wing mens' testosterone levels, restoring better judgment. 

We cannot afford the right wing/ conservative swollen, distended, fear-distorted amygdalas adding to the insanity of right wing politics. THAT damage does not seem as easily reversed. Start making sense, or expect to be laughed at, even more than you already are --- and expect to lose, because other people are just not as nuts as you are. We are not rigging polls to play with your head; we really stopped caring what you thought a long time ago --  when you stopped thinking like rational human beings.


  1. Feminism shrinks penises?

    Come on, Rush, you were never "man" enough before feminism.

    1. That would explain the massive quantities of boner pills he was caught with on his little sex tourism trip to a destination known not only for prostitution, but specifically for underage prostitution. Rush can't get it up with women without that help, so he never measures up; he probably has very tiny testicles as well.

      Little girls are much less threatening to Rush Limbaugh than grown women; it's easier to make them be submissive, a right wing desideratum (see Allen Quist).

      The study itself has been questioned, and the inaccuracy of penile metrics has long been a debated one, but the study is very clear on the causation attributed by the scientists -- Limp-bow simply ignores that science, because he doesn't want to admit to global warming and other environmental problems. This is a guy who thinks the environment in Alaska is pristine again after the Exxon Valdize accident, where in fact oil is still a chronic problem, and the fishing industry was gutted, leaving a continuing economic disaster as a result.

      Because, you know, they 'cleaned it up with dish soap and paper towels, and now it's just fine' --- unless you count the oil residue that goes down 4 feet into the soil, that makes it effectively permanently contaminated.

      Something to keep in mind while Romney boasts about his drilling plans as part of his energy policies.

      Policies which are more likely to cause penile problems generally, including shrinkage and genetic damage to future generations through environmental deterioration and contamination.

      The sculpted cast bronze head in the video has more brains than the person who modeled for it.

    I think the danger from [the Obama Administration’s] standpoint is that this whole episode of Benghazi demonstrates that they don’t have a handle on foreign policy and national security matters.

    They like to go out and say, “bin Laden is dead. Terrorism is dead, al Qaeda is dead, and, you know, we’re great in the foreign policy field,” but that’s hogwash.

    First of all, the people who deserve credit are the intelligence professional who worked on that issue for ten years and finally got on the trail of bin Laden.

    But secondly, that claim to be competent in the world of foreign affairs just goes down in flames when you look at what happened in Benghazi.

    The latest thing I’ve heard now is that, and they were denied – now this is all second hand, I haven’t seen the confirmations yet – they had denied the additional security resources that had been requested by the Benghazi consulate or the Libyan – our embassy in Libya had asked for more help and didn’t get it.

  3. Thomas, your problem is that you rely on bad sources. Garbage into your head from those right wing nut job sources, or bad second hand interpretations of some accurate but mostly inaccurate data, and your resulting opinion is just as bad.

    Dick Cheney is sour grapes. Dick Cheney is the voice of the most epic failure at foreign policy of any administration in the last 100 years, quite possibly the worst administration ever.

    I spit on the opinion of a man who should be tried as a war criminal for promoting actions for which we hung people as war criminals in WW II.

    Then there was the invasion of a country that was falsely identified as being part of 9/11 --- and allowing 9/11 to happen in the first place on his watch. Another brilliant example of the right wing talking the 'be responsible for your actions, be accountable' mentality - but not 'walking the walk' when it is a right wing massive failure.

    Being condemned by Cheney or Bush, still the most reviled modern administration, including by the right, is like a form of praise. If they're against it, it has to be a massive improvement over their ideas of what is right and right wing.

    The only thing possibly worse was their domestic policy. On so many fronts, not the least of which is our part in Arab Spring, Obama is a huge success.

    I doubt Thomas you are sufficiently knowledgeable about history to have an informed opinion of your own.

    Lets start with the building in Benghazi; it was a consulate, not an embassy. Our embassy was secure; if our CONSULATE in Benghazi did not get the assistance it required, I would suggest you look at the budget cuts by Republicans which delayed implementation of approved administration requests for that assistance.

    For example, when the right wing complained that the Obama administration was buying unprecedented numbers of limos, there was a lot of talk about limousine liberals going spending crazy. Those turned out to be not luxury vehicles, but ARMORED vehicles for the state department, most of them SUVs or smaller, that had been requested under the Bush administration, but funding delays resulted in them finally being delivered in the first two years of the Obama administration, even though some had been ordered and authorized back as far as 2006. The few limos in the most other vehicle list were for protecting visiting foreign dignitaries while on our soil from attack.

    Do better on facts Thomas - which does not include any opinion from fact-averse Cheney. Or Dubya.

  4. Is the same Tommyboy that was banned here or at Mikeb302000's blog a little while back? He's as full of righteous indignorance as he is full of shit.

    Tommy posits that its not the current PotUS who deserves credit for killing Osama but the "dedicated professionals" in intel, blah,blah,blah. Well, tommy, did they just get dedicated after Bucheney left office? Or were the professionals that Bucheney had working for them replaced by professionals who were really professionals and not political appointees whose loyalty was the only test of competence they need undergo?

    Tommyboy, the KKKristmas turkey of burnin' stoopit.

    Hey, whatever happened to J.O.B.? It seems that his/her whining got it what it wanted so it went away.

  5. Yes, this does seem to be the same Thomas who frequents MikeB.

    It is my impression that JOB is still reading, but not currently commenting, for whatever reason.

    But I would point out that we have people who have been supporters who aren't currently commenting much either, but who still check in from time to time as well.

    It is not possible to draw much of a conclusion from that; I am still a fan of MikeB, despite his silly commenting policy, but my commenting there is very random too.

  6. Thomas,

    First, Bin Laden IS dead.

    Second, Al Qaeda is NOT, and NO ONE said it was. They've said it's weakened, which it indesputably IS. Even Repugnicants say so.

    Third, NO ONE said terrorism is dead.

    You've built a boot-strapped BS argument.

    Obama has been FAR FAR FAR FAR more successful in foreign policy than Bush or Bush Sr. OR Reagan were with respect to the middle east.

    Was the intelligence on the Benghazi attack wrong, apparently so. Is that the first time? HARDLY.

    Do you remember when Dick Cheney called the insurgency (in the summer of 2003) "dead enders" and said it would be over in three months, six at the outside?

    Do you remember when CHENEY ignored the intelligence experts and created his own department, touting the WMD intelligence that his cherry-picking department came up with? Do you recall just how wrong that was? I happen to, I happen to remember us getting into a war due to "faulty" intelligence.

    Libya was overthrown because Obama did EXACTLY what you Republicans say you want, he got our ALLIES to do the fighting, to fund the war... and it worked. He, NOT BUSH, put more focus on Afghanistan, you know, the place that the 9/11 attackers trained??? HE, not Bush, moved us TRULY out of Iraq. HE, not Bush, has confronted Putin AND confronted a hawkish Israeli government headed by a war-monger (Netenyahu) who thought he'd have a blank-check forever from the US.

    So, Yes Thomas, their INITIAL assessment was wrong. Have a party, try (as you apparently are) to make a big deal out of a very little thing, and then take a look in a mirror and remember just how collosally HUGE the errors of Republicans were under Bush, how collossally you screwed things up and ruined our name internationally. Remember that BUSH claimed it was North Korea who attempted to give Libya Uraniam HexaFlouride (U-Hex) and THEN later found out it was his GREAT ALLY (and ours) Pakistan, shipping through Dubia by Dubai Ports World (you remember, the company Bush was going to turn our port security over to)? Yeah, ok Thomas, pardon me for saying so, but you pretty clearly don't understand JACK about what has actually gone on and who has been successful, and who was a disaster.

    1. It is one of the right wingnut extremist conspiracy theories that bin Laden isn't really dead, because his body was not brought back, taxidermied and stuffed, and hung on a white house wall.


      I've had some of the more bone ignorant dunces over on MikeB's blog actually make that assertion as if it were fact -- and since they confuse fact and fantasy on a regular basis, that 'works' for them. If by works, you mean it indulges their delusional paranoia disconnecting them from the objective reality in which the rest of us reside.

      These people have only the most tangential and accidental, random involvement with reality, and that is almost never when an issue of political fact is involved.

      Truth and Fact is far too recondite for them.

  7. I don't know the history with Thomas so I won't comment on why you substitute hatred for analysis when responding to him.

    But diplomatic security in 2012 is Hillary Clinton's decision, not George Bush's. There are numerous reports in legacy media saying the decision not to toughen the consulate was a concious decision and not reversed even upon receipt of credible information that terrorists were readying an attack.

    Look, anybody can make a mistake. That's not fatal. What's fatal is flailing around making excuses. If the President had said "I'm sorry, we blew it, but we'll do better from now on" people would cut him the slack they don't, now.

    And that has nothing to do with being racissssss, it's just plain common sense.The Buck Stops Here was a Democrat's phrase. Too bad it fell out of favor.

    1. Joe, once again, neither you nor Thomas produce facts.

      There has been a question raised as to whether or not there was a problem with security in Benghazi; there has not been demonstrable proof that there was.

      Long before gong to Benghazi, the ambassador to Libya had indicated that he had a concern - WHEREVER HE WAS IN THE REGION - that terrorists had targeted him to kill him.

      When we have fact, IF the administration made an error, it will be addressed. Oppositional speculation is not fact.

      What I noted was that when someone in the state department requests something, they don't always get it. When that happens, they don't simply stop what they are doing, they go forward as best they can with what they have. That was true with Bush requesting armored vehicles for the State Department, back before the right crashed our economy and exploded our debt level like the Nagasaki and Hiroshima atomic bombs, and it is even more frequently true with funding now for our personnel serving overseas on behalf of our nation.

      You know - like Cheney and Bush did with badly armoring and otherwise failing to properly equip our troops in Iraq - or did you forget about that, with your selectively really really really bad memory for history?

      There was no 'hatred' substitution. 'legacy media'? You're so bad at fact, you're funny.

      Like your pants on fire ignorance and denial of the old and new right CONSERVATIVE racism. Joe, given your massive failure Joe to admit YOUR error on that one, and a number of other bad mistakes, I don't think you have any standing to be critical of Hillary Clinton or the U.S. State Department.

      The right wing cool aid is rotting your brain Joe, like Alzheimer's. Even the moderate right increasingly can't support your extremism and delusions when it comes to facts.

  8. I'm fed up with the right complaining they're the victims of conspiracies that are pure fabrication.

    It is even more galling when they cite as authority the people who spent the social security funds, left us under massive debt because - as Cheney said - they believe the debt doesn't matter, invaded countries that we should NEVER have attacked, resulting in tremendous numbers of dead and injured people.

    Add to that their ignorance and arrogance about domestic affairs that resulted in the great crash of 2007/8, and sitting around on their hands leading up to 9/11 instead of doing more to prevent it.

    Bush and Cheney should be tried as war criminals, not used as examples or authority for anything by anyone, except examples of what NOT to do.

  9. Joe, I do not read comments and I rarely moderate comments.

    I find most comments to be inane and not worth my taking notice.

    Additionally, I am under no obligation to read, let alone respond to comments--specifically what you have to say.

  10. Well when you've lost ABC news.....

    ABC News has obtained an internal State Department email from May 3, 2012, indicating that the State Department denied a request from the security team at the Embassy of Libya to retain a DC-3 airplane in the country to better conduct their duties.

    Copied on the email was U.S. Ambassador Chris Stevens, who was killed in a terrorist attack on the diplomatic post in Benghazi, Libya, Sept. 11, 2012, along with three other Americans. That attack has prompted questions about whether the diplomatic personnel in that country were provided with adequate security support.

    No one has yet to argue that the DC-3 would have definitively made a difference for the four Americans killed that night. The security team in question, after all, left Libya in August.

    But the question - both for the State Department, which is conducting an internal investigation, and the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, which is holding hearings next week - is whether officials in Washington, D.C., specifically at the State Department, were as aware as they should have been about the deteriorating security situation in Libya, and whether officials were doing everything they could to protect Americans in that country.

    Earlier this week, the chair of the House Oversight Committee, Rep. Darrell Issa, R-Calif., and another member of the committee wrote to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton listing 13 incidents leading up to the attack, ranging from IED and RPG attacks to a "posting on a pro-Gaddafi Facebook page" publicizing early morning runs taken by the late Ambassador Stevens and his security detail around Tripoli.

    "Was State Department headquarters in Washington aware of all the above incidents?" they asked Secretary Clinton, requesting written responses by Oct. 8. "If not, why not? If so, what measures did the State Department take to match the level of security provided to the U.S. Mission in Libya to the level of threat?"

    The subject line of the email, from Miki Rankin, the post management officer for Libya and Saudi Arabia, reads "Termination of Tripoli DC-3 Support."

    I suppose those crafty Bushies must still be pulling the strings at the State Department.....

  11. We know there was an email; and we know they didn't do something that was asked. What we don't know at this point is what ALTERNATIVE solutions they sought, and why.

    One memo is meaningless.

    Cheney is not a plausible critic.

    You are off-topic; conservatives are a bunch of whiners who make up silly conspiracy theories and believe themselves to be victims when they are not -- except of their own imagination.

  12. For the first week, the Obama Administration insisted it was not a terrorist attack, merely unruly film critics. Then they admitted the attack was a well planned terrorist attack but insisted they had no warning so they couldn't beef up security. Now we're a security team rotated home despite Stevens asking for them to stay.

    What will it take to convince you that the State Department made a mistake?

  13. Hearing both sides of the story.

    There appears to have been plenty of security. Just because a team was rotated home doesn't mean a mistake was made, or that the new people were less competent in any regard.

    The information became known as investigations were made; or did you require them to be psychic?

    We are still waiting for further information to be known; I can wait.

    Why are you in such a hurry? There is no clear indication at this point that a mistake was made.

    On the other hand, it seems pretty clear that the Dubya administration clearly DID drop the ball by listening to amateur ideologue neocons, the same ones that Romney has on board? And of course blowing off the professionals and oh yeah.....Dubya taking LOTS of vacations.

    Invading Iraq on fake information.

    Yeah......I expect good performance, but not unreasonable perfection.

    We seem to have that with Obama -- a refreshing change from the right being in power.

    You have double standards.
