A blog dedicated to the rational discussion of politics and current events.
Massachusetts residents 15 years and older who wish to possess, carry, transport firearms, ammunition and feeding devices are required to have a firearms license.
"And the man said, The woman whom thou gavest to be with me, she gave me of the tree, and I did eat."The important part of that lesson is that Adam still got tossed out of paradise on his arse, yet somehow that is not the message that some of the most religious have learned from a careful reading of the Bible. All they learned to do was to be sanctimonious bastards who hate women and who fear and hate human sexuality, who become part of the perversion of healthy sexuality and respect for women, usually to the detriment of women and children, and even occasionally, rarely, of men.
A quick scan through the list continues the point. Chile (10.7) comes in with the same arms rate as Venezuela, but the nations present starkly divergent civil freedoms. Russia (8.9) is slightly more armed than Ireland (8.6). The Netherlands (3.9) is on par, as far as weapons go, with oppressive Turkmenistan (3.8). Israel and Georgia see the same arms rate as Iran and Belarus and yet exist on opposite ends of Freedom House's rank.The best quote:
"This relationship between gun rates and [democracy] isn't based upon social science - it's based upon philosophy," said Aaron Karp, a political science professor at Old Dominion University and one of the Small Arms Survey's senior consultants. "Part of the reason why people who are advocates of individual gun rights tend to be opposed to social science is that they're not comfortable with it."And while you are reading that article, check out the related Great Gun Gobbledygook: The Paradox of Second Amendment Hardliners:
In the current debate over gun control, the pro-gun lobby has an ace card up its sleeve: We need weapons to prevent government tyranny, they say. These self-styled champions of liberty see guns as the ultimate insurance policy to protect the Constitution. The problem is that most of those making this argument also strongly support a massive U.S. military -- exactly the behemoth we must be armed against. It's the great gun gobbledygook.The irony isn't lost on me that the Second Amendment was supposed to protect against a large, standing military. On the other hand, the historically ignorant can be led.
Greg Ball @ball4nyIn the same time period, we have the Constitution Project noting about the failure of torture, as reported by the United Press International:
So, scum bag #2 in custody. Who wouldn’t use torture on this punk to save more lives?
7:52 PM – 19 Apr 2013
134 Retweets 84 favorites
The use of torture, the report concludes, has “no justification” and “damaged the standing of our nation, reduced our capacity to convey moral censure when necessary and potentially increased the danger to U.S. military personnel taken captive.”It makes the right FEEL good to abuse people towards whom they are hostile or antipathetic, and the right consistently engages in that kind of emotional rather than rational thinking. It reflects both the violent tendencies of the right along with the absence of objective, fact based thinking. It also reflects deeply held beliefs and attitudes that are never going to attract African American, Latino and Hispanic, or Asian American voters, no matter how much they spend or campaign to achieve broader voter outreach.
So why are the Tsarnaev brothers not white, at least to right-wingers? Is it only because they’re Muslim? Muslim immigrants? Or is it because they’re “bad,” and whiteness must be surrendered when white people are bad?
Over its long history America has regularly featured a process of sorting white from non-white, even among European immigrant groups. I’m not a huge admirer of the now-dated whiteness studies academic movement, but those scholars did help illuminate the way various groups of European immigrants, particularly the Irish, but also Jews, Italians and Eastern Europeans, “became” white over time, in a complicated process of determined assimilation, gradually lessening prejudice by existing “white” society, and most important, the arrival of newcomers to take the place of the scapegoated non-white other, alongside the definitive non-white scapegoats, African-Americans. Embracing racism and xenophobia, sadly, could be a shortcut to white status for previously non-white European immigrants.
These days, though, Americans of Russian or Chechen descent are unambiguously categorized as “white” by the U.S. Census Bureau, which says it counts as white all “people having origins in any of the original peoples of Europe, the Middle East, or North Africa. It includes people who reported ‘White’ or wrote in entries such as Irish, German, Italian, Lebanese, Near Easterner, Arab, or Polish.” As I wrote Friday, the anguished outburst of Ruslan Tsarni, the brothers’ uncle in Maryland, was the quintessentially American cry of a newcomer wanting to be identified as a good, patriotic American – not necessarily as white, but certainly not as suspicious “other.”
So conservatives’ insistence the Tsarnaevs are absolutely not white is curious, to say the least.
Coincidentally or not, this weekend I got an email from Bo Sears, the head of Resisting Defamation, a conservative organization lobbying for the rights of white Americans as a “diverse demographic affinity group,” with the subject line “No to Caucasian.” Sears wrote:
Now that the diverse white American peoples are becoming a minority in many states, counties, and cities, we wanted to let you know that we have the right to name and label ourselves. And we don’t like being called a word that sounds like “cock-Asian.”It would be easier to take Sears’ request seriously if he wasn’t appearing to take offense at the “Asian” part of Caucasian (with the kind of juvenile reference to “cock,” which had frankly never occurred to me), and also if he wasn’t regularly complaining about an “anti-white narrative” in the mainstream media and calling me personally an anti-white racist. But I wrote him back to ask what he thought whites should be called, whether he sent his broadside against the term “Caucasian” because of the Tsarnaevs, and whether considered the Tsarnaevs “white.” He answered:
We are far too small an organization to attempt to speak affirmatively about a precise name & label for the diverse white American demographic affinity group..no, we’ve been working on the anti-Cock-Asian message in that email for a couple of weeks. Purely coincidence…based on an upsurge here and there to smother our diversity and nationality with “Cock-Asian.” …To answer your question: the only people who could say that the brothers Tsarnaev were among the diverse white American people would be the Tsarnaevs. You don’t quite understand that Resisting Defamation is not in the border-drawing, definition-making business…we merely resist the campaign of hate speech that we see coming at usInteresting enough. But Sears also included a long exegesis of what it meant that that Tamarlan Tsarnaev had the name of the bloody 15th century central Asian-Muslim warlord Tamerlane, which he said was akin “to naming an American child ‘Stalin-Mao-Hitler.” Which seemed to indicate he considered the Tsarnaevs more Asian, or maybe “Cock-Asian,” than good old fashioned American white.
Timur, Tarmashirin Khan, Emir Timur (Persian: تیمور TimÅ«r, Chagatai: Temür "iron"; 9 April 1336 – 18 February 1405), historically known as Tamerlane[1] (from Persian: تيمور لنگ, TimÅ«r-e Lang, Aksak Timur "Timur the Lame" in Turkish), was a Turkic ruler.[2][3][4] He conquered West, South and Central Asia and founded the Timurid dynasty. He was the grandfather of Ulugh Beg, who ruled Central Asia from 1411 to 1449,[5][6][7] and the great-great-great-grandfather of Babur Beg, founder of the Mughal Empire, which ruled South Asia for centuries.[8][9][10][11][12]
Timur envisioned the restoration of the Mongol Empire of Genghis Khan.[13] Unlike his predecessors Timur was also a devout Muslim who referred to himself as the Sword of Islam, converting nearly all the Borjigin leaders to Islam during his lifetime.[14] His armies were inclusively multi-ethnic. During his lifetime Timur would emerge as the most powerful ruler in the Muslim world after defeating the Mamluks of Egypt and Syria, the emerging Ottoman Empire and the declining Sultanate of Delhi. Timur had also decisively defeated the Christian Knights Hospitaller at Smyrna; styling himself a Ghazi.[15] By the end of his reign Timur had also gained complete control over all the remnants of the Chagatai Khanate, Ilkhanate, Golden Horde and even attempted to restore the Yuan dynasty.[citation needed]
Timur's armies were feared throughout Asia, Africa, and Europe,[16] sizable parts of which were laid to ruin by his campaigns.[17] Scholars estimate that his military campaigns caused the deaths of 17 million people, amounting to about 5% of the world population.[18][19]
On the other hand, Timur is also recognized as a great patron of art and architecture, as he interacted with Muslim intellectuals such as Ibn Khaldun and Hafiz-i Abru.[20]read more here
“I was a victim of a shooting in a Sacramento McDonald’s. I had my 9mm semi-automatic handgun concealed and I defended my family and all the customers at that McDonald’s and I saved numerous lives. I’m the good guy with a gun, and I prevented a mass murder.”Here is the initial problem – there doesn’t appear to have been any such shooting at a Sacramento McDonald’s, particularly during the period this gun guy claims to have been in Sacramento. No search turns up such a shooting being reported by media. A call to the PD in California to report this facebook claim, in case it was helpful in solving a claim – there were two shootings at McDonald’s, one in December 2012, one in January 2013, which appeared to be unsolved so far – produced the statement from the detective in charge of those cases that this did not sound like any shooting at a McDonald’s of which he was aware.
“So?”,followed by a challenge from someone else that he was telling fairy tales. His response then was (as so often happens) to go for an ad hominem attack on those who asked for verification, for production of FACT:
“the only fairy tales are the ones you liberals believe in that gun laws provide a safe environment for the citizens when in fact it only provides targets for criminals.”Of course, this is untrue; the single largest category of gun violence are suicides, followed by a substantial number – roughly three or more a week – incidents of domestic violence such as murder/suicides.
“[sic]your fairytale also includes that criminals will abide by the laws.”Actually, NO, that is not what gun control advocates believe. The rationale, which demonstrably has proven valid in other jurisdictions, is that gun control reduces the number of legal guns getting into the hands of criminals because legal gun owners are no longer having their guns get into the wrong hands – including by selling them without background checks. For example, one survey, done back in the late 90′s of felons behind bars for violent crimes, with guns, turned up the figure of 40% of guns used in the crimes that put these felons behind bars came from family and/or friends, not straw purchases (those were another 10%), and not street guns or guns that were stolen.
“another fact, when you liberals lose the argument you start to attack. conservatives [sic] will win the argument because we state facts and that’s it.”At this point, no ‘liberal’ had lost any argument, and the only person failing to provide a single fact was this guy. But that is typical; one of the flaws of the pro-gun studies has been the total absence of any independent reliable or verifiable confirmation regarding claimed DGUs, as well as extrapolating large numbers from painfully small samplings. Further, it is the pro-gun side that has tried to stifle quality independent research into gun violence; that is the act of people who know the facts are not on their side.
“The last thing I’ll do is defend myself against liberals like yourself. I did what I did, and I’m proud of it. I’m not asking you to believe me, and you don’t have to believe me, so it’s [sic] just leave it at that.” andHere is the hard factual objective reality; we don’t have a lot of demonstrably good guys, law abiding guys, with guns who are making numerous verifiable DGUs or even making verifiable efforts to protect or save people involving their guns without firing. We don’t have mass shootings being prevented by good guys with guns, or any other kinds of shootings by those with lawful —— or as often, NOT so lawful - guns with them in public. We need to be making our public policy and our laws based on facts, not fantasy, not ‘it was that big’ fish stories.
“I know the truth and so do the people that matter. You don’t matter.”