Sunday, February 6, 2022

Greg Gutfeld on Whoopi Goldberg and CRT

I have a love-hate relationship with Greg Gutfeld. He says some things which are bang on sometimes. He also says some things that are a little off. I used to think I would get into a fight if we got together. Then, I realised he likes to shock the way I do.

 His monologue cuts to the heart of the matter here in that blacks are victims, which leaves out a lot. Given that one of the "Buffalo Soldiers" main tasks was to help control the Native Americans of the Plain, the concept that blacks are without sin in the "race game" is something which needs to be seriously examined.

If I am guilty for slavery as a white person, then aren't blacks guilty of ethnically cleansing the native American population?

A significant number of blacks left the south after the Civil War to make lives in other parts of the US. And quite a few of them joined the US Military.

And Idi Amin was one of the most notorious racists EVER. Even though Idi Amin may have been Ugandan, but ask an Asian who was deported from Uganda during the 1970s how well they were treated by his government. And wasn't that the beginning of the "taking a knee" thing?

Yes, blacks can be racist too.

And let's close with some Russell Brand on the Democrats:

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