Saturday, June 24, 2023

The Silver lining to the problem of climate change...

Bye, Bye Red States. This is what you get for climate change denial!!!

This map is the climate resilience screening index map, which is a map of  the climate resilience screening index, which is designed to be sensitive to changes in the natural environment, built environment, governance, and social structure and vulnerability or risk to climate events. CRSI has been used to develop an index score for climate resilience at the county level (scalable both upward and downward spatially) the represents both the vulnerability of the entity to multiple climate events and the potential recoverability of these entities from climate events. The approach uses five domains (natural environment, built environment, governance, social structures and risk) and 20 indicators related to the domains. CRSI characterizes holistic climate resilience throughout the US at the county level (2000-2015); ascertains the relationships among those domains and indicators; and, provide information regarding how that resilience score is constructed and the actions a community/county can take to improve their climate resilience.

The short form: it's how badly you are screwed when the effects of climate change start becoming even more obvious. And hard to remediate: as in forget electric cars--you're gonna need a bike, or to walk.

It's too bad that most red states are pro-life as well since they can't claim Darwin Awards for ignoring science and the weather warnings. At least we won't have to listen to their stupid comments any more.

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