Thursday, June 5, 2008

Speaking of Naive'

Last night on Keith Olbermann, he played a clip of Bill O'Reilly getting schooled by Scott McClellan.

(YouTube video linked here: )

O'Reilly is asking McClellan about WMD and the justification for war.

McClellan responds that the nuclear details were questionable.

O'Reilly, "Uhhh, Let's stay on WMD."

McClellan, "Uhh, Bill, Nuclear weapons ARE WMD."

Bill," Uhhh..Uhhh, That's not what Powell talked about."

Yeah Bill, Powell only made 29 references to nuclear programs, weapons, and scientists during his speech to the U.N. Dick Cheney only said, "We don't want the smoking gun to be a mushrooom cloud."

Yes Bill, WMD include nuclear weapons, that's why it's called Weapons of MASS Destruction - not too many weapons cause more mass destruction than nuclear weapons, but maybe you (and the Prez) confused them with nukyalar weapons.

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