Sunday, January 27, 2013

True Patriots do NOT send American jobs overseas, only greedy bastards do.

That includes the Donald Jackass/Hypocrite, and that includes Mitts=on R-money.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Dog Gone,
    Predatory Capitalist know the cost of everything but the VALUE of NOTHING!!

    If it adds two extra dollars in their wallets, but devastates 2000 jobs here in the U.S., then it must be good…..RIGHT?!?!

    Here is a prediction:
    By sending our jobs and technologies to China, then when China expands and challenges the raw material accesses that the U.S. currently has; these same corporations that sent the jobs and technology to China making them strong enough to challenge the U.S.; will then beat the drums of war to beat down that challenge and will demand our children and grandchildren to sacrifice their lives to do so.

    F#*k them!! They caused the problem, they can fix the problem…..or if it is too late to correct this greed, then they go down the economic drain.
