Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Iranian Missles? An Open Letter to Middle Eastern Theocrats

I was just perusing headlines, and saw this one, from the MSNBC news service:
Iran: Our missiles can reach US bases, Israel

War games offer 'message of peace and friendship to countries of the region,' commander says

which prompted the unbidden thought, that goes both ways.  Our missiles can also hit you, and not just from Afghanistan.  We probably have more of them.  And it's not like we can't track any such launch of missiles by you, well before they strike.
Iran, are you paying attention?
Because if you were, instead of this silly, stupid posturing - the kind your crazy, not-really-elected President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad likes to present in public forums - you would be presenting foreign policy statements that were sane, in the dignified and rational manner that is expected of nations, instead of this nonsense.
Iran, about your claimed ability to strike Israel...
Back in 1981,  with Operation Opera, Israel bombed a nuclear site south of Baghdad, Iraq.  I think it is safe to say that from 2009 onwards, Israel planned and was capable of executing, a similar strike on Iran IF sufficiently provoked.  I think the perfect name for such an operation, in view of the name Operation Opera would be Operation Melodrama, because your pretentious nonsense is such a farce.  Or maybe Operation Punch and Judy, because your regime is such a bunch of sock puppets, rather than legitimately reflecting the Iranian electorate.
You see Iran, (by which I mean specifically the segment of Iranian government that comes up with this bellicose bogus baloney, not the Iranian populace), while such statements advance a demagogic position that is pure ideology, it ignores the reality of geography and demography.  Perhaps you don't CARE that any such attack as you announce you have contemplated would also kill large numbers of your fellow muslims.  You should care; your religion as expressed in the Koran is firmly against that.
 "And whoever kills a believer intentionally, his recompense is Hell to abide therein; and the Wrath and the Curse of Allaah are upon him, and a great punishment is prepared for him" (4:93)

It is true that Muslim sectarian conflicts have probably killed more Muslims than either the U.S. or Israel, but this goofy saber-rattling would seem to be in contradiction to the prevailing surge of the politics of Arab Spring sweeping Muslim-dominated nations across the Middle East.  You are out of touch, disconnected from the populace of Iran, and from your coreligionists.

Now to be fair, just as more Muslims kill each other than other people do,  Christians have probably killed each other in greater numbers than non-Christians have killed them, too.  And both Israel and the U.S. have more than their fair share of right wing saber rattling reality deniers as well.  We even here in the U.S. have some 'End Days" believers, who WANT to see such a conflict, as the culmination of their religious fantasies, which is mirrored by similar believers in Islam.  We have millions of these crazies here in the U.S.; estimates range from 65 to 80 million of them.  I imagine the discrepancy in the estimates is because of the confusion over how to count the outlier crazies like Harold Camping, who keeps predicting the end of the world over and over on specific days - May 21, 1988, September 7, 1994, May 21, 2011, and now October 21, 2011.

But letting them anywhere near power is disastrous. These people, which includes our own right wing bat-shit crazy nut job, Michele Bachmann, are the last people you want to let anywhere near the power to order bombings, much less nuclear bombings.

So, be careful with the stupid threats of war disguised as peaceful statements, Iran. 

Iran, you control your crazies, and keep them away from political power, especially ordering bombings, and we'll try to do the same.

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