Friday, June 29, 2012

Comical World of the Affordable Care Act,

Steve Sack in the past two days has brilliantly summed up the nature of our political system which is being badly damaged to the point of being so corrupt, so bought-and-paid-for, that we need to fix it.

A case in point was the many freight trainloads of money spent to oppose the much needed health care reform before it passed.  Now we see those same trainloads of money being spent to support repealing it, delaying it, but most ly LYING about it to those gullible low information voters and the ideologues who choose consistently to believe propaganda not fact because it is what they WANT to believe.

From the brilliant resident Strib artist:

 blown gasket elephant

politician buying it

1 comment:

  1. Hello Dog Gone,
    Loved the Big Daddy War Bucks cartoon as it speaks volumes and very accurate.
