Friday, November 9, 2012


Dear Speaker of the House Boehner,

Listen up sir.

Your side lost. You don't have that mandate to do what you're talking about doing; this is NOT the same house that the Tea Party took over (and trashed) in 2010.

The reality is that the Democratic House candidates received more votes than your side. You made shameful efforts to stop legitimate voters from voting, through election tampering and voter suppression on your side -- but that backfired BADLY on you.

You can't buy elections the way you thought you could; you can't lie your way into office either.  And about your efforts at frightening people into voting for've cried wolf more than once too often.

So if you don't want to be the one voted out of office next election cycle, you better get buys NOW to reform your behavior.  We do not like your obstructionist practices; you are NOT, emphatically NOT doing a good job as Speaker of the House.  You and your conservative colleagues are harming the country, not governing it.  You've called yourself patriots a little too often, and you've completely worn out that crap about rich people being job creators.  Wake up and smell the coffee; no one with any sense believes that when you say it.  It doesn't work, hasn't worked, and we aren't going to wait for something that is a failure to do what it cannot do any longer.

So, I suggest you start doing your job, start raising taxes on the rich, stop cutting things that should not be cut, and start cutting that military spending on hardware - not on veterans. You have failed policies and a failed agenda.

And while we are on the subject of your many failings -- we don't want abortion ended, and we are not going to allow you to end it.  We despise your attempts to wage a culture war on women, and take this as a warning that if you continue, there will be some massive negative consequences for you.

Put down your drink, get you orange ass off the golf course, and quit trying to con us.  It isn't working, and you can be replaced if you don't do better.

So straighten up, you crook, or you are gone in 2014.

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