Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Recount! Graves / Bachmann race for CD6?


 So far those have tended to come out well for Democrats; but that is not entirely surprising, given how poorly Republicans are at their particular partisan kind of fuzzy math.

According to a twitter from Jim Graves, with the race against Michele Bachmann tied at 50% each, and a very small difference in total number, with Bachmann slightly ahead, Graves will call for a recount.

Bachmann can call this a victory all she wants; only 98% of the returns are in; 50% is far from a clear victory.  When it is not at all clear that all absentee ballots have been received, much less counted, or in-person counted either, it is premature for anyone, not Bachmann, not the AP, or local media to proclaim any victory.

The redistricting left Bachmann with an even more concentrated distribution of conservatives into Congressional District 6 (CD6 for short).  That she could spend as much money as she did, with as much of that money coming from OUTSIDE her district, and from large donors rather than 'regular people' who live there is a further indictment of Bachmann as a failure, no matter how anyone tries to spin it - or count it either.

Minnesota has one of the best, the most transparent and the most honest recount systems in the nation; this will be the third election in a row where we have demonstrated our exceptional election integrity (in spite of that fuzzy Republican math).

1 comment:

  1. Good luck with getting Missy Bachman to come back home and get the help she so clearly needs with understanding reality.

    Our SKKKrotalMurKKKinPatriotiKKK Front U.S. Rep was FIRED (Anne Marie Buerkle--Moron, NY). Unfortunately our local Assemblyman (State Rep) s teabaggist, soundly trounced her D opponent.
