Saturday, November 10, 2012

Right Wing Paranoiacs with delusional Homophobia

This is satire; there was no raging homophobic Rick Santorum statement this time (or at least, not to CNN - not yet).

However there were plenty of similarly outrageous and ludicrous claims made by the party that engaged in voter suppression, election tampering, and voter registration tampering.

Here are a few examples of the dirty projecting their misdeeds onto others:

In comparison to the real ugly lies from the right, the subtle but straight on the money satire was actually a little tame compared to the right wing delusion they substitute for reality. The next time you hear a conservative use the word 'haters', remember the above.


  1. This is all too believable, but it's not actually true. I believe you can find the original story here at the Daily Currant, a satirical website.

    Unfortunately, the right-wing is so crazy these days that satire isn't obvious. I've learned to be careful, which is why I googled it before blogging this, myself.

  2. Yes it is satire - I suppose I need to label it as such. I looked it up as well.

    However it is also true that other right wing nuts HAVE made similar statements. I suppose I should clarify that there was no statement by Santorum, but list the actual parallel statements of the same thing. The APPEAL of this kind of thinking is to the conservative homophobe. They've expended a lot of hot air about the 'godless' homosexual coalition that 'elected Obama'.

    This is the same right wing that attributes earthquakes and hurricanes to gay people and abortion, after all.

    Always good to hear from you WCG! Thanks. I shall update this promptly to be more clear -- and if you like, please comment back with a link to your blog post!

    1. Thanks. As it turned out, I didn't use it. However, I did borrow this graphic from your blog. And while I was at the Daily Currant, I stumbled across this, too.

      Note that I even put a disclaimer on that. Yeah, it's ridiculous, I suppose, but I've seen things just as crazy being passed around the right-wing. And - unlike Fox 'News' - I want to make it absolutely clear when I'm just fibbing. :)
