Friday, January 18, 2013


If Republicans and other conservatives were honest, they would admit that their hero, Ronald Reagan exploded the debt and deficit, promoted economic policies that did not work, raised taxes a lot, and that he was not a supporter of the far right wing extremist position that the right now takes on guns.

But they won't admit who Reagan really was or what he really did; instead they pretend he would agree with them when he would not. It's just one more example of their alternate universe that denies reality and tries to revise history to conform to their failed ideology. American conservatism is an epic failure, precisely because they won't deal with objective reality, and because like the silly, marginal tea party, they try to deny science and to make up fake history.

If they had any honesty, if integrity were a conservative value, the right would admit the picture below is absolutely correct, and they would support it. Instead, they lie about what Reagan stood for and what he did.  The right is promoting a false view of the constitution and a lie about what gun regulation is and does. Shame on the right and their failed values.

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