Monday, January 14, 2013

Guns are not safe in public places

The number of accidental shootings at gun shows should be well known by now.  That's because despite the insistence that they are safe and lawful, gun owners are not consistently either one. By having firearms present, there is a very real risk that does not occur to the public, absent the presence of firearms.

If we needed any documentation for that, the concealed carry place of choice, and the largest firearms retailer in the world, Walmart,  demonstrates how unsafe we are in public places with gun carriers by their average rate of more than one firearms incident a week.  (The usually harmless, in the sense of no injuries, dropping of trousers and dropping of guns which then shoot up the porcelain thrones on which gun carriers are taking a dump in Walmart men's restrooms are my favorites to read - talk about scaring the poop out of a guy in the next stall!)

There was this one where an 8 year old killed himself accidentally, and this one where an accidental firing went through an 8 inch thick wooden post, and then through two people, or this one where a 13 year old boy was killed, or this one, that goes with the ambulance picture above, where the gun show vendor accidentally shot himself.  Similarly, the number of these kinds of incidents that occur at shooting ranges, where people go to practice, and where range safety should be enforced on people who are understood to know what they are doing is far higher than people might expect who don't follow these occurrences.  The reality is that guns in public places present a risk to those in public places, and have not been shown to make us safer or to reduce crime.

1 comment:

  1. What's really amazing is how strong a lobby the gunzloonz have in terms of not having to answer for people dying from GSW above the level of a misdemeanor. If you're driving a car and you accidentally kill someone you are going to be charged with a felony in most cases. If you shoot somebody by accident they might not even revoke your permit.
