Friday, January 4, 2013

More Republican Math,
more failed critical thinking,
more epic failure of public policy understanding on the right

The better question is....why was this man elected, and is his presence really necessary or useful anywhere, much less in any part of government at any level?

Or would it be better if he were just parked in a corner somewhere he can't be a nuisance with his narrow, inhumane stupidity?  Apparently this kind of stupid isn't aware that not only does this action by government conform to the Constitution (preamble, promote the general welfare) is unaware that not only is this humanitarian aid, but that the quicker an area destroyed or damaged by a natural disaster recovers, the better for all of us, economically, and in every other way.  It is essential for both the long term and short term viability of a region of the country, and for our ability to defend ourselves, to compete in the global economy, and for so many other reasons.

This man epitomizes the concept of penny-wise, pound foolish; or maybe just penny and pound stupid.  How sad he was ever elected.  He represents the best interests of NO ONE.

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