The Right is pushing the retention of the Bush Tax Cuts like an evangelical preacher pushes the Gospel, at an old fashioned Bible-thumping tent revival meetin'.
Except that the Bush Tax Cuts, for the wealthy, are anything but an economic gospel. They are ruinous. While an amazing number of middle and working class seem to have missed the tax cuts they already have received under the Obama administration.
George W. Bush is trying to rewrite the history of his two administrations to make it look like he was not an enormous aching, throbbing, hemorrhaging disaster. He was.
He WAS a walking, talking disaster, one of the all-time worst presidents in history. The Bush policies left us with disastrous financial collapse, AND some of the worst unemployment in the history of this country. An approximate total population of more than 300 million, we have in the vicinity of 25 to 27 million unemployed, which doesn't count the underemployed who are qualified for better jobs, but who instead find themselves among the working poor below the poverty line. These figures represent FAILED REPUBLICAN POLICIES - FAILED TAX POLICIES, FAILED JOB CREATION POLICIES.
The ONLY people who benefit, and then only short term not long term, are a few of the wealthiest 1% to 2% of the population. THEY have gotten richer while everyone else suffered and struggled and the economy collapsed under these policies. THEY pay the Republicans (and occasionally a few conservative democrats too) to parrott these lies, and they pay well. They STEAL elections by funding of these lies. (more on that in a future post)
These numbers have slowly but steadily improved under Democrats and the Obama Administration. Too change horses in mid stream NOW is folly, it is self-defeating impatience. The third quarter results for corporate profits are the highest since records were kept; this administration is not, by any meaningful metric, anti-business, (despite the litany of misinformation and disinformation you hear from the right - especially Faked cable News.
Georgie Porgie is making the rounds of the talking heads circuit, bragging about how his tax cuts created 1.1 million jobs. Hello? That is NOT a good result in job production over EIGHT years in a nation the size of the USA!
What he leaves out are two important things - the good jobs, the factory and other production jobs, the IT jobs, those were being outsourced at unprecedented rates. The piddling few jobs that were created were almost entirely low paying jobs.
But worse than that - if you look at the numbers, while Georgie Duh-b'ya may have created those 1.1 million jobs in the private sector.........he lost many millions more of those jobs in the final years of his presidency, resulting in an overall LOSS of jobs to our economy that was devastating; it was outrageously, avoidably catastophic.
AND 'W' and the Republicans saddled us all with monumental national debt.
Want to SEE how badly those losses hit this country? Click on this:
or too see vividly the change in job loss direction under Obama, along with slow but steady improvement in the economy - including steady growth in quality, good paying jobs in manufacturing that are needed, not minimum wage poverty jobs, click on this:
Republicans = MONUMENTAL ECONOMIC COLLAPSE due to failure to regulate fraud
Those Clinton years? Remember Clinton, the president that the right deeply hated, every bit as much as they loathe Obama?
Clinton had a balanced budget, and under his administrations financial policy - including his tax rates - OVER 22 million jobs were created in this country. He left a healthy, thriving economy when he left office. He left a healthy SURPLUS when he left office.
It is not REALLY that the Republicans can't do the math.
It is that they are desperately hoping YOU CAN'T DO THE MATH.
They pay out millions to sell their message, knowing it is a fraudulent message. They know they are lying to you, or at best occasionally telling you a selective, cherry-picked, distorted truth that effectively LIES to you.
Why would they do that? Because sometimes it works, although not always.
It should NEVER work. The righties should NEVER cause you to act so egregiously against your own interests.
Trickle down economics is a fraud, a hoax, a massive loud lie told over and over.
That doesn't make it any more true. Look at the 'disinformation du jour' section at the bottom of this blog for examples of the untruthful, inaccurate statements. The conclusions drawn from the lies aren't any better than the stats on which they are based.
Smart, wealthy men like Warren Buffet OPPOSE continuing the Bush Tax Cuts to the wealthy.
Other millionaires oppose continuing the Bush Tax Cuts to the Wealthy.
And NOT just these guys, but also these:
Even David Stockton, the man who under Reagan INVENTED trickle down economics / supply side economics admits that IT DOESN'T WORK!
Don't be a Republican stooge, don't be a dummy. Those guys are PAID to lie to you, paid in money, paid in power. Republicans weep - look at Boehner - about 'redistribution of wealth'. What they mean is they hate any redistribution that doesn't widen the income gap between all the wealth that goes to the upper 1 - 2% that is leaving YOUR pocket.
Fact check. Do the math.
Don't accept any numbers you are handed by Republicans - or their even more extreme Tea Party buddies.
Do the MATH - real math, not 'Republican math'.
Tell your representatives to the House of Representatives and to the Senate NOT to continue the Bush tax cuts to the very wealthy.
And you remember how we were all supposed to get behind 'W', because we were at war? I know a number of people who were embarrassed to admit after 2004 that they voted for Georgie despite their better judgement, because they believed the wisdom that you support your president when there is a war on - in the case of ''W", two wars - one necessary, one based on lies.
Well, hello my fellow Americans? We are still at war, the real war, the original war. Where are all those republicans who were calling for patriotic support, unifying behind the president........because we are AT WAR?
Funny how they don't like to talk about that either. But it was this president who followed through on getting us out of Iraq, and it is going to be this president who comes up with a realistic response to the mess Bush left us in through his inattention, in Afghanistan. It will be this President, President Obama, who keeps us out of the stupidity of yet ANOTHER WAR, with Iran this time, that the righties want to push --- for the sake of the economy. Knock knock puddin' heads -- these wars have been disastrous for our economy! They have been disastrous for our fiscal policy. They have all but broken our military.
The 2010 elections were a mistake, but that mistake can be minimized. Start by looking at the numbers, start by not believing anything unless you fact check it. Don't be lazy, and above all .........don't be stupid.
Like believing crooked, deceptive, lying Republican Math.
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