It is worth noting that some things are indefensible.
They do not care how many Americans die each year, they do not care if children die......they do not care if they act legally or illegally to push their influence. They are immoral, unethical, and dangerously corrupt.

- Given that the NRA has pushed through legislation which helps arm former felons who have a terrible track record of re-offending/shooting people when re-armed;
- and that the NRA has also drafted and pushed through legislation that gives gun rights back to dangerously crazy people;
- and given that the NRA has pushed through the change to the NICS data base that drops convicted drug users after one year, regardless of the kind or number of charges or convictions,
- and given that it was the NRA that pushed through making submission of names to the NICS data base voluntary for states - and then obstructed submission of those names at the state legislature level............ including, but not limited to not funding submission of names.
They do not care how many Americans die each year, they do not care if children die......they do not care if they act legally or illegally to push their influence. They are immoral, unethical, and dangerously corrupt.

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