I laughed at the end of the world crazies who went nuts over Y2K.
I laughed at the end of the world religious nuts who believed the world was ending, over and over and over again.......until finally admitting it wasn't ending.
But seriously - at some point the crazy preppers, the term for survivalist preparation nuts, like Nancy Lanza, mother of the alleged shooter in Newtown, Connecticut. Some of these crazies, who variously fear the U.N., anarchic attacks by their fellow Americans, or shadowy fictional entities like the one world / new world order, the Illuminati, or......god only knows what, or who. There is something deeply disturbing and disturbed about the thinking that finds these kinds of fears credible, and decide to believe them.
We do not know why Adam Lanza appears to have gone on his killing rampage. But interviews with those who knew both mother and son have indicated they were both on the far right in their political and economic beliefs. Whether religious fundamentalists, or political far right wing extremists, these are people with offensive, incomprehensible beliefs that represent a warped view of life, and a horrific disconnect from reality. They have gone from not being wrapped to tightly, to being fully unraveled. And not unraveled in a pretty artistic way like the image below.
So.......the end of the world craziness tomorrow? That's funny, as in laughing at crazy ignorant people, not with them. But the rest of the fearful crazies?
They aren't funny at all; they are just terribly sad and a whole lot creepy.

I laughed at the end of the world religious nuts who believed the world was ending, over and over and over again.......until finally admitting it wasn't ending.
But seriously - at some point the crazy preppers, the term for survivalist preparation nuts, like Nancy Lanza, mother of the alleged shooter in Newtown, Connecticut. Some of these crazies, who variously fear the U.N., anarchic attacks by their fellow Americans, or shadowy fictional entities like the one world / new world order, the Illuminati, or......god only knows what, or who. There is something deeply disturbing and disturbed about the thinking that finds these kinds of fears credible, and decide to believe them.
We do not know why Adam Lanza appears to have gone on his killing rampage. But interviews with those who knew both mother and son have indicated they were both on the far right in their political and economic beliefs. Whether religious fundamentalists, or political far right wing extremists, these are people with offensive, incomprehensible beliefs that represent a warped view of life, and a horrific disconnect from reality. They have gone from not being wrapped to tightly, to being fully unraveled. And not unraveled in a pretty artistic way like the image below.
So.......the end of the world craziness tomorrow? That's funny, as in laughing at crazy ignorant people, not with them. But the rest of the fearful crazies?
They aren't funny at all; they are just terribly sad and a whole lot creepy.

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