An emotional appeal that bypasses reason.

Asserting that prayer, or the absence of it, is the reason for natural phenomena, or for human viciousness is wrong. It is nothing less and nothing more than superstition. No rational person should find it a plausible or credible argument for anything.
Hello Dog Gone,
ReplyDeleteWell to use Mike Huckabee’s analogy, I guess the Amish children who were attending their religious school that opened each day with the “God’s Prayer,” but still suffered the mass shootings and killings in Pennsylvania would negate this superstitious statement. Then again maybe Mike would tell you that they were worshiping God in the wrong religion and need to convert to the true “God Approved Religion”……which I guess would be his.
I’m sure Huckabee has no data, statistics, nor evidence to support and back up his nihilistic comment, but this will not matter to the religious right wing evangelistic “nut job” aspect. They will just bobble head in agreement because it contained and referenced God. I should point out that Mike did not mention whose God’s prayers were taken out of schools. A nice wrapped up “Generalized Argument Statement” which anyone who has taken an English 101 course will tell you that this fopa negates his statement right from the start.
Hello Professor,
ReplyDeleteThe true “snake oil” and “religious huckster,” Mike Huckabee, has seen fit to take advantage of this tragedy to come forth with the statement of “the reason mass shootings happen is because we took God out of our schools.”
Well to use Mike Huckabee’s analogy, I guess the Amish children who were attending their religious school that opened each day with the “God’s Prayer,” but still suffered the mass shootings and killings in Pennsylvania would negate this superstitious statement. Then again maybe Mike would tell you that they were worshiping God in the wrong religion and need to convert to the true “God Approved Religion”……which I guess would be his.
I’m sure Huckabee has no data, statistics, nor evidence to support and back up his nihilistic comment, but this will not matter to the religious right wing evangelistic “nut job” aspect. They will just bobble head in agreement because it contained and referenced God. I should point out that Mike did not mention whose God’s prayers were taken out of schools. A nice wrapped up “Generalized Argument Statement” which anyone who has taken an English 101 course will tell you that this fopa negates his statement right from the start.
Yea no need to pass up on a good tragedy when I could push forth his God Agenda…..and of course not to mention the collection plates….In His Name….Amen. :-)
Good to know that God previously protected us from violence ...
ReplyDeleteOf course, America has changed a lot since August 10, 1999 when the Los Angeles Jewish Community Center shooting occurred when white supremacist Buford O. Furrow, Jr. walked into the lobby of the North Valley Jewish Community Center in Granada Hills and opened fire with a semiautomatic weapon, unloading 70 shots into the complex. The gunfire wounded five people: three children, a teenage counselor, and an office worker. Shortly thereafter, Furrow murdered a mail carrier and fled the state.
Of course, if "religion" is to be taught in tax-payer funded schools ... which one ?
The most recent census data that I could find indicated that the Catholic faith dominated the area ... followed by 38,800 Jews, 27,173 Episcopalians, 25,667 United Church of Christ, 15,284 Methodists,14,737 Muslims ... and the "big community event of the week" was Wednesday night when the Chabad Jewish Center invited the entire community to celebrate the Festival of Lights at a public Menorah lighting ceremony ....
So would President Huckabee just want the Catholics, Jews, Muslims, non-believers just to self-deport themselves ?