Wednesday, December 5, 2012

My second laugh of the day; the truth is funny sometimes

Of course, back in the time of Lincoln, when the Republican party was new and unsullied, they were liberals, nothing like the modern ultra-conservative GOP. So when the modern GOP brag that their party fought to end racism, it's a bad joke, and a factually flawed interpretation of history. The modern GOP has nothing  ideologically in common with Lincoln, other than using the same party name.

Then we get to the contrast between liberal Teddy Roosevelt, who advocated for the organization of labor unions; distrusted big business and dissolved 40 of the largest monopolies, and criticized them for corrupt practices; he was an environmentalist and conservationist; spoke out against racism; advocated for strict regulation and inspection for safety of food and drugs; and perhaps the biggest difference, was in favor of a national health care insurance system.

The name is the same; the politics, then and now, are completely different.

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