Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Ding Dong, Santorum's Gone

And so is the Nut Gingrich, for all intents and purposes.  He's staying in, but since he keeps missing filings, has no staff, and no significant money coming in, his silly statements meant to get attention are just becoming boring, even to the right who don't seem to take him seriously either.

Santorum 'suspended' his campaign, which is politics-speak for he has a lot of debt and can't properly terminate his campaign until it's resolved.  He made a graceful exit when it became a serious possibility that he would not win his own home state....well, sort of his own home state.   Much like it is unlikely that Michele Bachmann could have won Minnesota in a general election, or even the primary.   A controversy had it Santorum was really living in a huge house or two in Virginia instead of residing in Pennsylvania.  It is a controversy much like the one surrounding Chip Cravaack.

Ron Paul is still a distant......hello?  he's back there somewhere... sort of.

That leaves Ron and Romney left ...........sort of.

It was announced in the daily papers that Tim Pawlenty had finally terminated HIS presidential run, by having retired all of the debt he accumulated.  That's better than the MN GOP has done, including not paying their debts for quite a while (so much for the party of fiscal responsibility).  The papers noted that T-Paw had significant help from Romney; a quid pro quo that seems to coincide with Pawlenty supporting Romney when T-Paw got out of the race early on.

I wonder if Romney has learned from the mistakes made by McCain when it comes to selecting a VP?  McCain would have been much better off if he had selected T-Paw for a VP than Palin the ditz with a gun.  Perhaps Mittens full of Money will pick Pawlenty this time around.  If Romney is considered stiff, and Pawlenty is considered boring, and no one else is really any better........what a bland ticket designed to induce raging.......raging.......what...APATHY?  Even the supporters couldn't stay awake long enough to mark a ballot without falling asleep.

Romney / T-Paw 2012, the Republican alternative to health care reform; natural anesthesia.  They're so boring you could have your appendix out during a debate or speech; they;d put you that deeply to sleep.  Everyone else seems to have enormous negative baggage, though.

I think this is the weakest Republican election cycle I've seen in a really, really long time.........(yawn).  It's just hard to care.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Dog Gone,
    When I heard the Special Report Break In News on CBS announcing that Religious Wing Nut Santorum had dropped out, I was doing the Happy Dance.

    I knew that the true litmus test was going to be his own State of Pennsylvania because I had a strong thought that they threw him out of office years ago and that they would have no use for him now. Bottom line he had no support in his own State. I guess that speakes volumes.

    I always had respect for McCain in the past, and in keeping an open mind, I could have supported him; but when he was paired up with Caribou Barbie that was the deal breaker for me.

    So to reply to your query if Romney has learned from the mistakes made by McCain, I thing that the Republican Strategist, Karl Rove, will take the prospective that they need an extreme right wing VP candidate to placate that strong segment so dominate within the Republican Party.

    Bottom like I have to vote for the person that will represent my "Working Middle Class" interests….and that sure in the hell ain’t Romney and VP Whom Ever. Our only hope is the total purging of every Republican Candidate for every office all the way down to “Dinky Podunk Town Representative.”
