Thursday, July 19, 2012

Bain, Bane or just Banal - Limbaugh lowers the bar instead of lowering the boom

There are measurable limits to how low one can go in Limbo. 

There appear to be nothing to low to go for Rush Limbaugh.  It's not only that Rush is such a low-down low-brow loser; his followers, the ditto-heads who apparently rely on dust bunnies for brains, slavishly follow his idiotic pronouncements that are not just fact-free, but fact averse (kind of like Michele Bachmann).  His pronouncements usually have a tinge of malice that are the sugar coating that makes his stupidity palatable to his audience.

So the latest embarrassment to Rushbo should surprise no one; it isn't worth holding your breath while waiting for Limbo to check a fact before opening his mouth.  In Limbaugh's alternate reality, facts are not only optional, they are oppositional.  Over and over, I've heard Limbaugh followers who are convinced that if Rushbo says it, it must be true.  What I never hear is a Limbaugh lover who asks the all-important question about the garbage they hear: "Is that true?"

But if Limbaugh or his ditto-heads suddenly became more careful about what he says, he'd lose the crowd that don't like fact based objective reality, which appears to be the majority of them.  It wouldn't leave Rush much to talk about if he couldn't come up with bat-shit crazy conspiracy theories.  His base would leave him for some other batshit crazy right wing extremist --- and that would cost Mitt's on R-money income from Clear Channel Radio that puts Rush on the air, owned by Bain.  Whoop it up!

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and the segment from Rachel Maddow earlier this week laughing at the Rush-bone and his ditto-heads:
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Have a good laugh; it is the most withering possible response to the right wing conspiracy folly. They deserve it, and it will do you good. Unfortunately for the right wing, most of which have gone over the hill to the extreme right, their wallowing in conspiracy theories and other fear mongering - like homophobia and islamophobia - physically deform parts of their brains. Their amygdalas deform and enlarge in weird ways by the relentless pumping of paranoia through their cranium. It pumps up the primitive emotional centers -- sadly NOT the thinking centers of the brain -- the way that lifting barbells pumps up a weight lifter's muscles. Lets laugh at the silly right wing nut extremists; maybe it will help bring down that unfortunate brain swelling. That's BRAIN with an R, not to be confused with Bain, or Bane.

1 comment:

  1. It's like the KKKrazzeer they get, teh KKKKrazzeeeer they NEED to get.

    The reiKKKwing isn't just loony, they're slavering, shitspewing, moronic loonz.
