Sunday, July 15, 2012

Why it matters when Romney left Bain

Fact-check organizations like, well, (one of my favorite fact checkers) has made many assumptions in their fact checking that rely on Mitt R-money leaving Bain in 1999. IF that is NOT true, then their fact check pieces, like this one on the accuracy of the Nut Gingrich purchased film, King of Bain: When Mitt Romney Came to town.

Gingrich is not someone I would hold up as an example of a politician who is moral, ethical, or factual - although he is more factual than a member of Congress like Bachmann, Cravaack or Gohmert.

But in this case, the film maker, who worked on the Romney 2008 campaign, might know more than the fact checkers.  The basis for the film appears to be opposition research also from the 2008 Romney campaign.  ALL of the fact check criticism relies apparently only on R-money's assurances that he left.

But it appears now, as more and more information is emerging, that the film may be right -- that clearly R-money had some formal control and connection, and certainly continued to profit from those business decisions that are characterized as vulture capitalism.

It would be interesting to know if it is true that EVERY one of the 50 states experienced some job loss from Bain, or if they even did business, vulture or otherwise, in all 50 states.  Fabulous youtube - you can see the movie without leaving the comfort of your computer.

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