Sunday, July 22, 2012

I wish I had run this on Friday; but better late than not at all

1 comment:

  1. Hello Dog Gone,
    As you know I have been very busy re-locating myself here in Ohio.

    Yes I remember well coming into my parent’s home late that Sunday night from being with friends and at 10:56 PM back on July 20, 1969, our global world changed. At that moment, we as a nation pronounced to the whole world that so much hope, perspective knowledge, and “the sky’s no longer the limit” of what we can achieve as a nation when we put our collective minds to it.

    Science, Technology, Race Relations, Basic Rights for all that included women, was the bright hope to the future……only to have it all being tried to be destroyed, crushed, and now have repressive legislation presented in Local, State, and Federal Government levels.

    Anti-Science Religious Fanatics trying to force their beliefs that the earth is no older than 6,000 to 10,000 years old, that man walked with dinosaurs, there is no evolution just God’s creationism, man made global warming is just a liberal hoax, etc. The willful ignorance of others trying to mandate their repressive and uneducated views onto the rest of us.

    The “Small Minded Steps of these Men and Women,” are trying to force “A Giant Leap Backwards for Mankind.”

    The scary fact is much of this will be decided in this next election and even at this point in time can go in ether direction.
