Saturday, September 1, 2012

Legitimate Rape - the Alternative to Legitimate Contraception Dreamed Up by Crazy Conservatives

My own congressman, the self-righteous misogynist Tea Partier and serial liar to his constituents, Chip Cravaack, voted for and co-sponsored these legitimate rape/forcible rape bills in Congress, as one of the conservatives referred to at the end of the following video. It is just one of many reasons the man has to go. It is only too bad that we have to wait until November to be rid of him.


  1. Within hours of them finding this, the FRA will be claiming that it's an attack on MurKKKa by the Sorobama committee to destroy this nation.

  2. I was remiss to not give Laci credit for bringing this to my attention. I usually follow you pretty well democommie.......but 'FRA'? Not following you on that one; who or what? Elaborate on the acronym, pllease.

  3. FRA=Family Research Ass'n, my bad, it's the FRC, Family Research Council, one of several anti-gay, anti-woman, KKKristianist groups.
