Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Birthers and other fools who believe in conspiracy theories dominate the GOP

It's time for the big tent to have a good cleaning out, a purge if you will.

They need to tell the crazies and fools and extremists to go away, to get off their side.

Of course, that will involve a significant departure at all levels of the GOP, from their elected officials, and party leadership on down to their very muddy-thinking grass roots.

They would be smaller, but stronger, better, and certainly more viable without their lunatic fringe that currently dominate the organization.  I suppose when you have a party made up mostly of old white folks, dominated by silly old white men, you have to expect they have trouble keeping up with what is happening in the world. Still, the fear mongering with silly shit just has to stop before they go further down the toilet.

Hello GOP; no one stole anything - although you tried to do so, with voter suppression. YOU JUST LOST. AGAIN.

Nearly Half Of Republicans Believe Defunct Organization Stole The Election For Obama

The Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN) was at the center of anti-Obama energy in 2008, when Republicans cited some faulty registration forms obtained by ACORN as proof of voter fraud. The charge was particularly potent, since Obama hired one of the organizations associated with ACORN to run voter turnout for him in the primary.
But in 2010, ACORN filed Chapter 7 bankruptcy, putting an end to the community organizing effort altogether. Still, the fact that ACORN no longer exists hasn’t stopped the group from serving its role as scapegoat. Fifty two percent of Republicans blamed ACORN for Obama’s win in 2008, saying that they “stole” the election for him. That number only dropped by 3 percent, and 49 percent blame ACORN this time around.

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