Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Right Wing Selective Memory

It is time to remind the Republicans that what went wrong went badly wrong because their policies and ideology failed, especially their taxation policy, but also their per-emptive foreign policy, their failure to listen to the right advice and intel on terrorism, and their policies on not adequately regulating the financial sector.

IF tax cuts for the rich worked, we would have had job growth. Instead we had very little job growth under Dubya, and massive job losses after he snuck out of office into well-deserved disgrace and obscurity as one of our nation's all time worst presidents.

So what does the GOP offer? MORE OF THE SAME, because they have no new ideas, only old bigotry, hatred, old failed ideology, and misogyny.

Sing it Joe, sing it loud, at the top of your lungs.  They need to hear it.  They need to take their thumbs out of their ears, and stop tonelessly saying la la la LAH LAHHHHH, while wiggling their fingers.

The same hypocrisy and epic policy failure accusation could be leveled at debt ceiling level votes.

Ignorance is a choice; willful ignorance is a right wing policy position.

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