Saturday, December 8, 2012

What he said

1 comment:

  1. P.j. O'Rourke used to write for the National Lampoon and then sometime in the late 70's went from being a funny, crazy, left leaning writer to being a funny, crazy, rightwing writer. I've never taken the time to pinpoint the date but I suspect it was at the time that he became slightly wealthy.

    He was and is about the only funny writer on the right that I'm aware of. His mind is sharp and he isn't nearly as doctrinaire as other writers who support the soulless, braindead assertions of the ReiKKKwing of the GOP.

    He might say he's a libertarian (as others have suggested, Libertarians are Republicans who like to smoke dope and watch porn) but he skews way too far right. I still read some of his stuff but he's definitely not in my regular rotation.
