Thursday, February 29, 2024

Why do people who claim to be "pro-Israel" still keep rabbiting on about the hostages?

 Wow! it's the most problematic topic in Israeli politics and these clowns can't shut up!

Let's start with the basics that most people are turned off by this if they have any idea of the war crimes being perpetrated by Israel. This is one of the most recent where At least 104 Palestinians were killed after the Israeli army targeted crowds waiting for aid deliveries early Thursday morning near al-Rashid Street, south of Gaza City. There were separate unconfirmed reports that the death toll might be as high as 150. I've heard there were at least 700 wounded as well.

And they were taken to al-shifa hospital...

Of course, the Israelis have destroyed the medical infrastructure as well.

But some people blissfully pretend that the war crimes aren't in people's faces.

Sorry, it's hard to feel sympathy that your "family is broken" when whole families are being wiped out.

And even the Israelis are divided on this.

First off, the reason that the resistance took the hostages was to have a hostage swap. THE RESISTANCE WANTS TO FREE THE HOSTAGES!!! Secondly, the hostages were well treated by the resistance. 

On the other hand, Israel has made it clear that it doesn't care about its own citizens having killed a good portion of them on 7 October in accordance with the Hannibal Doctrine. And the worst thing to do if you are serious about saving your citizens is to bomb the shit out of the area where you believe they are held. Israel has killed at least 50 of the hostages through its military actions.

And that doesn't count the three who managed to escape, yet were shot by IOF despite being shirtless, speaking Hebrew, and waving a white flag! And they gassed at least one in a tunnel.

There's a reason the hostages aren't talking: at least in the media outside Israel.

The following clip isn't comprehensive, but it gives you enough to do more research.

I would be embarassed to be associated with propaganda as bad as these posters.

And obvious.

Wednesday, February 28, 2024

I Visited the Best* City in North America

Notjustbikes visits Montreal (mon rayal). Definitely not my pick of the two large cities in Quebec since it is way too American. I prefer the Eastern part: especially since I can kind of imagine I am actually in France.

That is until they open their mouths. You hope their accent isn't too thick since Québécois sounds like a thick, nasal Southern US accent.


And you had a hard time finding moules-frites, which is weird since the moules in Europe come from this part of the world. Poutine doesn't cut it for me.

Tuesday, February 27, 2024

How the US Propaganda System Works

This is one of the best articles on propaganda I've seen. It's too bad it's better publicised. I'm not sure it's even available on the net.

Propaganda: Nobody Does It Better Than America.
by Paul Weber
Over the years, I have had the privilege of meeting and having discussions with people who came to America from countries known for their adherence to totalitarianism: China, Russia, and former east European satellites of the Soviet Union. When we discussed how the state managed to control public opinion under totalitarianism, these people would usually produce a weary, knowledgeable, cynical smile and point out that propaganda in those countries was really done quite incompetently. If you really want to know propaganda, they said, you need to study American propaganda technique. According to them, it is, undeniably, the best in the world.

"How can that be?" I asked, honestly puzzled.

Propaganda in those countries was too obvious, they told me. As soon as you read the first sentence you knew it was a bunch of propaganda, so you didn’t even bother to read it. If you heard a speech, you knew in the first few words that it was propaganda, and you tuned it out.

"But," I then queried, "How do you know when it’s just propaganda?"

The expatriates explained that bad propaganda uses obvious terminology that anyone can see through. Anyone hearing the phrase "capitalist running dogs", knows he’s listening to incompetent propaganda and tunes it out. Lousy propaganda, these knowledgeable but jaded individuals would tell me, appeals to an abstract theory, to a rational thesis that can be disproved. Even though communists had total control of the press, the people just tuned it out (except for those who were the most mentally defective). Most people, they assured me, just went about their lives as best they could, paid lip service to the state, and just tried to keep out of the way of the secret police. But hardly anyone really believed the stuff. The result, after many decades of suffering, was the eventual collapse of the old order once The Great Leader expired, whether his name was Brezhnev, Mao, or Tito.

American propaganda, however, is much cleverer. American propaganda, they patiently explained, relies entirely on emotional appeals. It doesn’t depend on a rational theory that can be disproved: it appeals to things no one can object to.

American propaganda had its birth, so far as I can tell, in the advertising industry. The pioneers of advertising—a truly loathsome bunch—learned early on that people would respond to purely emotional appeals. Abstract theory and logical argument do nothing to spur sales. However, appeals to sexiness, to pride of ownership, to fear of falling behind the neighbors are the stock in trade of advertising executives. A man walking down the street with beautiful women hanging on his arms is not a logical argument, but it sure sells after-shave. A woman in a business suit with a briefcase, strolling along with swaying hips, assuring us she can "bring home the bacon, fry it up in a pan, but never let you forget you’re a man" really sells the perfume.

Let’s take a moment and analyze the particular emotions that this execrable ad appealed to. If you guessed fear, you win the prize. Women often have a fear of inadequacy, particularly in this confused age when they are expected to raise brilliant kids, run a successful business, and be unfailingly sexy, all the time. That silly goal—foisted upon us by feminists and popular culture—is impossible to reach. But maybe there’s hope if you buy the right perfume! Arguments from intimidation and appeals to fear are powerful propaganda tools.

American advertising and propaganda has been refined over the years into a malevolent science, based on the assumption that most people react, not to ideas, but to naked emotion. When I worked at an ad agency many years ago, I learned that the successful agencies know how to appeal to emotions: the stronger and baser, the better. The seven deadly sins, ad agency wags often say, are the key to selling products. Fear, envy, greed, hatred, and lust: these are the basic tools for good propaganda and effective advertising. By far, the most powerful motivating emotion—the top, most-sought-after copy writers will tell you, in an unguarded moment—is fear, followed closely by greed.

Good propaganda appeals to neither logic nor morality. Morality and ethics are the death of sales. This is why communist propaganda actually hastened the collapse of communism: the creatures running the Commie Empire thought they should appeal to morality by calling for people to engage in sacrifice for the greater good. They gave endless, droning speeches about the inevitably of communist triumph, based on the Hegelian dialectic. Not only were they wrong: their approach to selling their (virtually unsellable) theory was not clever enough. American propagandists (we can be jingoistically proud to say) would have been able to maintain the absurd social experiment called communism a little longer. They would have scrapped all the theory and focused on appealing images. Though the Commies tried to do this through huge, flag-waving rallies, the disparity between their alleged ideals and the reality they created was just too great.

One tyrant who did take American propaganda to heart was Adolph Hitler. Hitler learned to admire American propaganda through a young American expatriate who described to him, in glowing detail, how Americans enjoyed the atmosphere at football games. This American expatriate, with the memorable name of Ernst "Putzi" Hanfstängl, told the Führer how Americans could be whipped up into a frenzy through blaring music, group cheers, and chants against the enemy. Hitler, genius of evil as he was, immediately saw the value in this form of propaganda and incorporated it into his own rise to power. Prior to Hitler, German political rhetoric was dry, intellectual, and uninspiring. Hitler learned the value of spectacle in whipping up the emotions; the famed Nuremberg rallies were really little more than glorified football halftime shows. Rejecting boring, intellectual rhetoric, Hitler learned to appeal to deeply emotional but meaningless phrases, like the appeal to "blood and soil." The German people bought it wholesale. Hitler also called for blind loyalty to the "Fatherland," which eerily echoes our own new cabinet level post of "Homeland" Security.

If you study Nazi propaganda, you will be struck by how well it appeals to gut-level emotions and images—but not thought. You will see pictures of elderly German women hugging fresh-faced young babies, with captions about the bright future the Führer has brought to German. In fact, German propaganda borrowed the American technique of relying, not so much on words, but on images alone: pictures of handsome German soldiers, sturdy peasants in native costume, and the like. Take a look at any American car commercial featuring rugged farmers tossing bales of hay into the backs of their pickups, and you’ve seen the source from which the Nazis borrowed their propaganda techniques.
The Germans have a well-deserved reputation for producing a lot of really smart people, but this did not prevent them from being completely vulnerable to American-style propaganda. Amazingly, a nation raised on the greatest classical music, the profoundest scientists, the greatest poets, actually fell for propaganda that led them into a hopeless, two-front war against most of the world. Being smart is, in itself, no defense against skilled American propaganda, unless you know and understand the techniques, so you can resist them.

American politicians learned, early in the twentieth century, that using emotional sales techniques won elections. Furthermore, they learned that emotional appeals got them what they wanted as they advanced towards their long-term goal of becoming Masters of the Universe. From this, we get our modern lexicon of political speech, carefully crafted to appeal to powerful emotions, with either no appeal to reason, or (better yet) a vague appeal to something that sounds foggily reasonable, but is so obscure that no one will bother to dissect it.

Franklin Roosevelt understood this, which is why he called for Social Security. Security is an emotional appeal: no one is against security, are they? Roosevelt backed up his campaign with a masterful appeal to emotions: images of happy, elderly grandparents smiling while hugging their grandchildren, with everything in the world going right because of Social Security. All kinds of government programs were sold on the basis of appealing images and phrases. Roosevelt even appealed to America’s traditional love of freedom, spinning that term by multiplying it into the new Four Freedoms, including Freedom from Want and Freedom from Fear. Well, what heartless human being could possibly be against that? The Four Freedoms were promoted with images of parents tucking their children cozily into bed, and a happy family gathered around a Thanksgiving dinner, obviously free from want. The campaign was also based on that most powerful of all selling emotions: fear. If you don’t support Social Security, the ads suggested, you will live your last years in utter destitution.

Putzi Hanfstängl, viewing Roosevelt’s evil brilliance from Nazi Germany, was probably jealous.

American advertising executives learned the value of presenting a single image or slogan, and repeating it over and over again until it became ingrained in the public’s consciousness. Thus we are all aware that Ivory Soap is so pure that it floats: a point that has been repeated for the better part of a century. I’m not sure why I should be impressed that a bar of soap floats, but on the other hand, it’s not intended that I think that far. Politicians now sell their programs the way the advertising creeps sell soap: they dream up a slogan and repeat it over and over again. Thus we get empty slogans like The New Frontier, The New World Order (that one was poorly chosen; it sounds too much like an actual idea), or Reinventing Government (an idea that everyone should favor, except that the idea behind it really means Keeping Government the Same, only no one is supposed to think that far). Empty grandeur sells political products.

Both German and American politicians carried the use of banners to new heights. Flags are impressive emotional symbols, particularly when waved by thousands of enthusiastic people: it’s a rare individual who can resist the collective enthusiasm of thousands of his fellow human beings, cheering about their collective greatness. Putzi Hanfstängl understood this, advising Hitler to fill his public spectacles with not just a few, but countless thousands of swastika flags. The swastika, too, was a brilliant stroke of advertising and propaganda: it has become, in the public consciousness, the official emblem of Nazism, even though it had nothing to do with Germany. In fact, swastikas were used by ancient Hindus and American tribes, but I’m not aware of it being used by anyone in Germany prior to Hitler.

Now observe how Americans in the current crisis have taken to displaying huge flags on their cars. Flags are not rational arguments; they are instruments for whipping up the Madness of Crowds. Observe how many Americans have, with a straight face, called for a constitutional amendment to outlaw flag desecration, oblivious to the obvious contradictions such an amendment would have with the rest of the Constitution. But again, if you learn nothing else about propaganda, learn that it must not appeal to rationality.

Politicians don’t just use warm, fuzzy images to sell us on the road to tyranny. They also need emotional appeals to intimidate their enemies. Thus the small percentage of the population that really does use thought and reason more than emotion must be demonized. Roosevelt managed this with some masterful propaganda strokes. Those who opposed him were Isolationists, and Malefactors of Great Wealth! (The gut-level emotion appealed to here is envy.) Roosevelt thus showed himself to be an early master of what former California Governor Jerry Brown called "buzz words"; that is, words intended to silence counter-argument by appealing to unassailable emotional images. No one is for Isolation, and almost everyone reacts to an appeal to hate anyone who has a lot of money. The latter appeal, of course, had great power during the Great Depression, which Roosevelt managed to maintain for the entire length of his presidency, all the while blaming others for its evils. Was this guy an evil genius, or what?

The propaganda cleverness used in successfully branding anti-war people as Isolationists is breathtaking. After all, a rational person (ah, keep in mind, that’s not a common individual) realizes that those who oppose war are the exact opposite of isolationists. The Old Right at the time called for peaceful, commercial relations with all nations, based on neutrality in foreign affairs. If anything, those who oppose war and meddling in other countries’ affairs are the opposite of Isolationists as they really stand for open, profitable relationships with other countries. The people who stand for such ideas do not "sell" them by means of strictly emotional appeals, so they tend to lose the propaganda wars. When Roosevelt succeeded in whipping the country up into a war-frenzy after steering us into the Pearl Harbor fiasco, the Old Right realized their opposition to the war was hopeless.

The role of the government propaganda camps known as public schools cannot be discounted in all this. Schools are not so much centers of learning as they are behavior conditioning camps in which children are taught to be unquestioningly obedient to authority. Since reason and morality are the death of propaganda, schools busy themselves with systematically stunting students’ ability to reason and think in moral terms. Because the government owns the propaganda camps, it’s not surprising that the beneficiary of the propaganda is almost always the government. Americans accept obvious absurdities because they were drilled into their heads, year after year, in the government propaganda camps until they became true and unquestionable. Thus, everyone knows Roosevelt got us out of the Great Depression, even though the worst depression years were precisely those in which he and his party controlled every branch of government. Everyone knows Lincoln was a great president because he saved "government by the people" and freed the slaves, even though he became a war tyrant and only freed the slaves when it was politically convenient to do so. Wilson, everyone knows, made the world "safe for democracy", evidently by instituting a draft and getting America involved in a European war that was fought for reasons no one to this day can fathom. When minds are young and pliable—government experts understand this principle—you can fill them with nonsense that is practically impossible to root out. Laughable falsehoods in effect become true because everyone knows them to be true.

Advertising executives learned, early on, that companies could not be too obvious in using their propaganda. If their agenda could be clearly seen, then it could also be rejected. The answer to this problem was the American propaganda technique of the "independent expert" and the "guy on the street." One of these appeals to our timidity before authority, and the other to our smugness when dealing with someone at or below our perceived social level. Of course, these two techniques are really just two sides of the same coin. In product advertising, sports heroes and celebrities are used to sell corn flakes because no one would listen to the president of Kellogg telling us why corn flakes are so good. In selling detergent, plain-looking housewives are preferable to sexy models because they look just like us. In political propaganda, "experts" are often trotted out to tell us, in convoluted, circular reasoning, why minimum wage laws are really good for us, why a little bit of inflation is good, or why we just can’t rely on the free market for something so crucially important as education. Or, using the "guy on the street" approach, we are told to support idiotic wars because the common soldiers ("our boys"), cannot function unless they know we stand united behind them. If the rare sensible person tries to argue against war, he is accused of making things harder for "our boys."

This brings us to the latest iteration of masterful American Propaganda: the War on Terrorism. Any attempt to explain why the terrorists (crazed as they obviously were) felt motivated to attack the World Trade Center is looked on as "siding with the terrorists." Indeed, Ashcroft and Bush have said, in so many words, that if you don’t support them in everything they do, you stand with the terrorists. Ashcroft and Bush have evidently studied their propaganda lessons from World War II, when Roosevelt silenced all opposition by accusing anyone who stood against him of undermining the war effort. Anyone who suggests we should not risk World War III by invading the Middle East is alternately accused of siding with the terrorists, of slandering the memory of those who died, or (of course) of not "standing by our boys" in times of great need. It’s easy to feel alienated in a nation of flag-wavers singing patriotic hymns. The fact that they are marching lockstep to a world in which the government will monitor their e-mail, snoop into their bank accounts, and eventually throw them in jail for voicing opposition doesn’t seem to bother them one bit.

Now, most libertarians or otherwise thoughtful people will react with dismay when told that most of their fellow human beings react so unthinkingly to sock-you-in-the-gut emotional propaganda. Unfortunately, most people are not capable of really thinking things out. Most people really do buy perfume because of the emotional imagery. Most people really do believe the "independent expert", whether in politics or buying a car. Most people want to go with the crowd, or follow the leader. To do otherwise requires independent thought and the willingness to be ostracized, which is an unbearable psychological burden for many.

If you want to take heart, remember that the Vietnam War ended because a few people just continued to speak against it, despite the overwhelming government propaganda for it. The fact that a lot of the anti-war protesters were motivated by the wrong reasons (support of commies), doesn’t matter in light of the fact they were able to turn the tide. They were right, even if for the wrong reasons. If advocates of freedom continue to speak against the creeping tyranny that our masters justify on the phony grounds of the War on Terrorism, we might just be able to prevent the transition from Republic to Empire. The thing about propaganda is that, once it is exposed for what it is, no one listens anymore. People tune it out, just as the slaves in Russia and China learned to tune out their official propaganda.

Paul Weber’s novel, Transfiguration, is available at

Zionism’s Antisemitism EXPOSED By Jewish Antizionist Historian

I bet you never would have thought it, but the anti-semitic smear is basically projection.Anyway, a little "jewsplainin'" for you.

Monday, February 26, 2024

Don't forget the Palestinian Christians

 I keep getting this feeling that people outside of Palestine are unaware that this land is holy to at least four religions: Judaism, Christianity, Islam, and Baháʼí Faith. The Israeli Occupation Forces have destroyed ancient and historic churches in Gaza killing parishioners.

The Muslims have not waged wars on other religions. On the other hand, think of all the places of worship which have been destroyed by the Israeli Occupation forces.

Sunday, February 25, 2024

Your Sunday Sermon from Rev. Munther Isaac

I hope people like Brian Mast, Andy Ogles, and other Christian Zionists see this. Do they know that their actions have led to the destruction of Ancient Christian Churches and the deaths of Christians in Gaza? Christians are being repressed in the Occupied territories?

Even more salient to the issue: Rep. Ogle claims to support the Second Amendment right to self-defence. I would assume this would extend to tyrannical government. Doesn't a genocidal occupation deserve armed resistance?

Saturday, February 24, 2024

Don't like “From the river to the sea”?

Many Western politicians demonise pro-Palestinians who chant “From the river to the sea”.

But they keep silent when Zionist Israelis use the slogan, which is at the heart of the ideology of Israel’s ruling Likud party.
"The right of the Jewish people to the land of Israel is eternal and indisputable… therefore, Judea and Samaria will not be handed to any foreign administration; between the Sea and the Jordan there will only be Israeli sovereignty."
—Likud Party Platform, 1977
Source: 'It’s Time to Confront Israel’s Version of “From the River to the Sea”' by Rashid Khalidi in The Nation

Friday, February 23, 2024

The Faster Way to Move House in Amsterdam

I make no bones that I like Europe more than the Western Hemisphere: and one of the things I like is how much easier it is to move in Europe. This is especially true in smaller houses. And these lifts are the best! they have them in France.


A Lesson for Israel from the Algerian War for Independence

A heavy handed reaction to a revolt by the indigenous population will always backfire. And the Zionists need to admit that they are not truly native to Palestine. Additionally, early Zionists knew there would be a problem with the native population, which is why Israel has become an apartheid state. This was a situation doomed to failure. From Algerian Independence, 1954–1962: Case Outcome: COIN Loss Paths to Victory: Detailed Insurgency Case Studies, 2013, pp. 75-93 (19 pages)

The French-Algerian conflict, which has been described as the “last,
the greatest and the most dramatic of colonial war,” was launched in
1954 with a series of uncoordinated bombing attacks by 300 members
of the National Liberation Front (FLN) guerrilla movement.  Initially
dismissed as “traditional banditry,” the FLN attacks drew an increas-
ingly forceful response from the French army as the insurgency gained
strength and began targeting civilians in the French settler commu-
nity, known as colons, or colonists. In response, the French military
increased its presence in the region and imposed brutal COIN tactics
against Algeria’s native Muslim population and FLN leaders.

The basic gist, which everyone has been pointing out is that a brutal counterinsurgency will only breed a stronger resistance. Toss in that the occupier needs a military victory, which is impossible.

The defender only needs to survive.

Popular support for Israel dries up day by day as people have to admit that there is a genocide. Even worse, the genocide is being perpetrated by victims of another genocide who have the nerve to keep chanting "never again". The Zionists who do this fail to understand that they lose credibility by being hypocrites: one cannot denounce genocide and go on to ethnically cleanse another population.

Toss in that 75 plus years of ethnic cleansing has not led to any form of "security". The American spokespeople who make this claim show a massive amount of ignorance of this situation.

The reality is that this is a very simple situation where the Palestinians' right of return guaranteed by multiple UN Resolutions is implemented. Of course, this will require the invaders to return to their respective homes if they cannot live in peace with their neighbours.

Wednesday, February 21, 2024

The Rev Munther Isaac in London.

I wish other Christians would hear his words and heed them. Especially the Christian Zionists.

The Zionists would like people to see this as a battle between Islam and Judaism. But it's Zionism against the world. Rev. Isaac is a voice whose words need to be heard around the World.

Monday, February 19, 2024

How Israel Merked its Own Civilians on October 7

Just remember when you are talking about terrorists in this struggle that the Israeli Occupation Forces are the progeny of the terrorist groups Stern Gang/Lehi, Irgun, and Palmach/Haganah. Many early Israeli leaders we members of these groups. Menachim Begin was barred from entry into the UK in the 1950s because of his participation in the King David Hotel bombing. Toss in MI5 recongised Israel as a terrorist state during that period.

Sunday, February 18, 2024

'Hamas Fighters Are Invisible': Israeli Troops Secretly Confess Gaza Is a disaster

I said early on that the Israeli Occupation Forces were walking into a combination of Stalingrad, Fallujah, and Cu Chi tunnels. That meant that they were destined for defeat.

Unfortunately, the IOF likes to bomb the crap out of civilians in contravention of the laws of war. Toss in that zionism is a racist ideology which practises genocide. That means it has lost what legitimacy it would want to claim.

I would seriously disagree with the statement that "Hamas" killed 1200 Israelis on 7/10. IOF is more dangerous to Israel than any resistance group.

The end of the zionist state has taken far too long to arrive.

Friday, February 16, 2024

My dog is smarter than your honour student, or an Israeli Occupation Force soldier...

Dogs are very good judges of character. I'm going to side with the dogs here. And they side with the Palestinian resistance.

An Israeli General's Son shares his thoughts on Israel.

 Meet Miko Peled. He is considered by many to be one of the clearest voices calling for justice in Palestine, support of the Palestinian call for Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) and the creation of a single democracy with equal rights in all of historic Palestine. Wherever he is speaking, Miko dedicates the opportunity to advocate for the creation of one democratic state with equal rights for Israelis and Palestinians. He travels regularly to Palestine where he speaks and works with the popular resistance, the BDS movement, and other justice groups.


Thursday, February 15, 2024

Not sure if this is anecdotal or real...

Like South Africa, the Eastern Block, and some other countries: the Zionist state will collapse. It will be replaced with something else.

OK, a little fun for Black History Month

Did you know that Angela Davis was a Mayflower Descendant?

Yes, THAT Angela Davis. The American Marxist and feminist political activist. The one who was a longtime member of the Communist Party USA and a founding member of the Committees of Correspondence for Democracy and Socialism.

Yes, not only is Angela Davis a Mayflower Descendant--she's a descendant of William Brewster! That makes her one of the elite since Brewster was the senior elder and the leader of Plymouth Colony.

So, tell me: how are reparations supposed to work when some slaves were the children of slaveowners? Not to mention some blacks have done well for themselves while whites are poor?

Reparations will probably not be monetary.

Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Can you provide an answer?

OK, I have been writing posts days in advance, which means I hope that there will be an end to the genocide in Gaza. But reality creeps back in and I know it will probably still be continuing.

The Palestinians have been told to go to the south where they will be "safe", yet the Israeli Occupation Forces have been committing genocide since 7 October 2023.

Tuesday, February 13, 2024

The Youngest Journalist in Gaza, Lama Jamous, has a message for the world

I saw a post on Instagram saying that the journalists in Gaza are being silenced snd that we need to amplify their voices. So, I will start with Lama Jamous' appeal for peace.

I hope people listen


Monday, February 12, 2024

An Urgent Call for Peace from Archbishop of the Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of Jerusalem

You've heard from the Roman Catholic Church calling for peace. Here is another Church leader making an Urgent Call for Peace. This time it's the Archbishop Atallah Hanna of Sebastia Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of Jerusalem made in Jerusalem, Palestine on 09.01.2024

Sunday, February 11, 2024

Are you happy supporting the Israeli totalitarian regime? How will you feel when it comes to you?

How will you feel when this comes to the US? You are already in a surveillance state: what if it moves on to this level?


Christians in Jerusalem are under threat

 What I don't get is why a MUSLIM is concerned about this, yet Christians aren't saying peep.

All you Islamophobes are doing nothing to help Christians who are under threat by the Zionist State. And here I am, agnostic/atheist, trying to get you to do something to help fellow Christians. Instead, you parrot Zionist bullshit and do nothing.

It's the Holy Land, which is sacred to at least four religions (betcha can't name all four!). No one religion can claim a monopoly on it.

Saturday, February 10, 2024

Body of missing Palestinian girl Hind Rajab found in destroyed car

I've been following this story since it broke. I hoped she would be found alive, but I tend toward being an optimist.

Yet another war crime from the Israeli Occupation Forces which want to pretend they are moral.

Just in case you don't know Hind's story:

And if you have a strong stomach--here is the video of when they found the car:

Friday, February 9, 2024

More from Reverand Isaac Munther about being a Palestinian Christian

"Associating the Palestinians with Islam is what the west is trying to tell us. The Palestinian identity has always been more inclusive. In fact, if Israel was not created, we would be talking about Palestinian Jews as a normal thing...I would remind that Arab Christianity has predated Islam."

Zionism is not Judaism. And all Arabs are not Muslims. 

Gaza’s entire population of Christians numbers just 800 to 1,000 people. Almost all of them are now hiding in Saint Porphyrius and the nearby Holy Family Church, part of the Gaza City’s last remaining Catholic parish. “These two churches are hosting 340 families, which account for almost all the Christians in Gaza,” said Ram Tarazi, who used to run an Orthodox cultural centre before the war, which has been destroyed by an Israeli air strike.


Thursday, February 8, 2024

Listen to the Children 2

The children of Gaza want your attention. I think more want to be journalists than part of the resistance. But the bottom line is that they want to be heard.

Tuesday, February 6, 2024

More harassment of Christians in Israel

 I have to wonder why people like Rep. Brian Mast believes that Israel is a "friend" to the United States, or Christians. Does he tolerate the killing of Christians in Gaza? The destruction of ancient Churches? Does he know about the USS Liberty? The assassination of Thomas Wasson? How Israel spies on the United States. I am sure he is familiar with how they interfere in United States elections.

I wonder how he feels about things like this?

Sunday, February 4, 2024

What if this was your house?

 Ok, if the Second Amendment is to protect against a tyrannical, or genocidal, government, then the Palestinians are exercising that right. This is Mohammad Assad's house in Gaza.

What if it was your home?

Saturday, February 3, 2024

Sermon of the Day by Rev. Isaac Munther. Are you listening Rep. Brian Mast???

Don't let Rev. Munther's speaking Arabic put you off--try and read the subtitles.

Were you aware, Rep. Mast, that there are Christians in Gaza? On December 16th, the Holy Family Catholic Church in Gaza City came under attack by Israeli forces, killing two women, and injuring seven, and shattering the illusion that any place in Gaza could be safe. There WERE many ancient and historic Christian Churches in Gaza which have been destroyed by the Israeli Occupation Forces.

Gaza was noted in the Bible as a stop for Jesus, Mary, and Joseph on their journey to and from Egypt. Gaza was once home to a thriving Christian community, but a count this year found just a hundred and thirty-five Catholics there, among a thousand and seventeen Christians, according to the Catholic Church. Those who stay speak of feeling an ethnic connection to Gaza, as Palestinians, and a spiritual one, as Christians.

Palestine’s Christians, totalling 50,000 across the occupied territories, are sometimes referred to as ‘living stones’, a metaphor first invoked by Peter the Apostle, the ex-fisherman called upon to be a disciple of Jesus, to describe the role of believers in building the spiritual house of God. Today, the term harks to their special status as custodians of a faith born on their land.

 “It’s very disappointing, very frustrating, and the average Palestinian Christian is angry with the Church leadership,” Salim Munayer, a Palestinian Christian theologian who founded Musalaha, an N.G.O. that facilitates reconciliation between Israelis and Palestinians, told me. “Palestinian Christians are still treated under a Eurocentric lens of traditional Christianity that sees them first as Arabs, second as Christians. Western Christians treat us like the ‘other’ or a second class.”

The Reverend Munther Isaac, a Palestinian Lutheran minister in Bethlehem, has been pointed in his commentary about Gaza, designing his church’s Nativity this year to resemble Jesus as an infant trapped under the rubble. In his pre-Christmas sermon, which went viral on social media, he stated, “To our European friends, I never, ever want to hear you lecture us on human rights or international law again. We are not white, I guess—it does not apply to us according to your own logic.”

I asked Isaac about his sermon and potential repercussions. “This is a genocide,” he said—a sentiment shared, amid debate about the use of the term, by many Palestinian Christians. “We can’t be silent, and we have an ethical responsibility, a moral responsibility to speak,” he added. “And this is why I always say the churches must be stronger. We have a platform we must use.”

I hope you are able to open your heart, Rep. Mast, to see that you support a regime which persecutes Christians. It is not the Israel of prophecy, but a racist and secular state whose support is not in the interest of the United States.

Have you every heard of the USS Liberty Incident in 1967, Rep. Mast? Probably not, or you wouldn't be as open in your support for Israel.


Thursday, February 1, 2024

“Not in my name” - The story of a Jewish Israeli dissident

 Yael Kahn, is a Jewish Israeli woman who has been campaigning for Palestine for 51 years. She has been advocating for a free Palestine since 1972 and believes it is her obligation to advocate for Palestinians everywhere, saying “I lived on the land stolen from them, so I have no excuse.’ “When you find out that your life was built on the destruction of other people, you have a responsibility.” 

Since 7 October, and Israel’s ongoing deadly assaults in Gaza, Yael has been regularly demonstrating in solidarity with Palestinians in London, UK, and asserts that global support for Palestine is only increasing. “They underestimated the power of people and the people were not fooled.”