Thursday, December 6, 2012

We're Number ONE! We're Number ONE! (and not in a GOOD way)

Given the number of incarcerations that are related to marijuana, that are non-violent...ya think, just maybe, repealing the prohibition laws on marijuana might be a good idea to correct this?

We have 25% of the worlds incarcerated population, but only 5% of the total population.  How can this make sense to anyone, regardless of their politics?

Some more marijuana statistics:
“According to the US Department of Justice,  30-40 percent of all current prison admissions involve crimes that have no direct or obvious victim other than the perpetrator,” the report shows. “The drug category constitutes the largest offense category, with 31 percent of all prison admissions resulting from such crimes.” Nearly a third of all prison admissions are from non violent drug offenses!"

We can afford the social safety net, we can afford Social Security, we can afford to fun Medicaid and Medicare; what we cannot afford, and should not condone or pay for, is the prison industry.  This exists because of two reasons. 

We have selectively incarcerated enough people of color that it has begun to effect the outcome of elections (in ways that benefit Republicans). We can correct that by re-enfranchising people after they have served their time.  But we should also stop locking up people for these violations in the first place, and stop disenfranchising them in the first place.

As the Land of the Free, let's stop locking up people unnecessarily, and let us BE the Land of the Free, again.

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