Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Zealous Ignorance, Part II: Nut Leroy Gingrich, Update - 10/5/2010

The family values hypocrite Newt Gingrich is coming to Minnesota, along with some of the other 2012 presidential wannabees, to encourage and rouse the base for the 2010 elections, including family values claiming candidate for the GOP, Tom Emmer. I would think that Emmer would be embarrassed to have Gingrich next to him, given his past -- and present.

Newt has produced the Islamophobia video, "America at Risk", and at the recent crazies-convention, the Values Voter Summit, tried to gain personal advancement and profit on more lunatic-fringe moral panic, when he claimed,
"We should have a federal law that says sharia law cannot be recognized by any court in the United States. No judge will remain in office that tried to use sharia law."
Really? Is there any chance in hell of our courts imposing sharia law? Of course there isn't! Is there the remotest chance that if some idiot judge did use Sharia law that it would be upheld? No! Do the wackos in Nut's audience know anything substantial about their own religions, or Islam, much less sharia law? No! (At least, not according to the Pew report quoted in Zealous Ignorance - Part I.) But Nut's Tea Party audience loved it, they couldn't get enough of it.

They let ignorance fuel their bigotry; these are the fans of knowing nothing, the constituency of celebrating ignorance, who resent the idea that they should have an informed opinion or be bothered to learn something or fact check anything. They are the enemies of religious tolerance and ecumenism.

You don't believe it, about the imposition of religious based intolerance? Then stop and consider for a moment that Nut Gingrich's political Tea Party coreligionist, Jim DeMint is claiming gays, and pregnant or known-to-be sexually-active single women should not be allowed to teach school children. They want to "take back our country"; take it back to the '30s. I mean the 1830s, not the 1930s; they do want not live in the 21st century with the rest of us. That is a Tea Party and Republican proposal far closer to Sharia law than anything proposed by Democrats or Independents. They really do want to take the country back, but they don't mean posession they mean they want to take the country backward rather than forward.

DeMint would also bar gays from teaching in school, because he and his Tea Party buddies like Nutty Gingrich believe they are entitled to have approval over other people's private, personal sexual decisions, and should be able to deny their livelihood to enforce those decisions. Student Teacher Seth Stambaugh, in the Beaverton School District of suburban Portland, Oregon was fired for honestly answering a question about his marital status. An award-winning teacher, who was exceptional at his job, was fired in Alabama for being homosexual. This is the kind of tyranny that the right wants to impose on the rest of us, taking away OUR freedom, along with our privacy, our dignity, even for some of us our professions.

So much for the party that claims they want to save 'our freedoms'; those are empty words in the mouths of Tea Party politicos.
Serial adulterer Gingrich would happily impose the Christian equivalent of religious law, one he would like to selectively apply, if he could impose it on the rest of us regardless of our own individual faith. He makes his intentions clear in the title of his current book that he is shilling to the willing: "To Save America: Stopping Obama's Secular-Socialist Machine."

That is Secular, as in not-religious-law; secular law is civil law that is not specific to any religion. (Gingrich's claims of socialism is a joke - a bad joke.) Religion in this country is something we are each free to practice privately - including Muslims - not to have imposed as law in any way, shape or form. That means not any of the Abramic religions: Judaism, Christianity, or Islam; and not any non-Abramic religion either. (I wouldn't expect these anti-secular Christian-world view fans to know what an Abramic religion was.)

But 'Nut' Gingrich, of ethics-violation fined 'Rubbergate' check-kiting fiscal responsibility, wants more of the intrusive, over-reaching government he and his tea-party followers claim to deplore, in passing laws without an actual need or purpose. Nut, a classic Im-Moral Entrepreneur, can too easily sell his books and his DVD film to the people who cheer him.

Far from repudiating these positions, Emmer embraces Nut, er, Newt. Which, sadly, tells us things about Emmer as an Islamophobe, and as an actual supporter of big, intrusive government, and about not-family values, which makes him unfit to be the governor of Minnesota. Right alongside Kook Bachmann, another unfit, bigoted, and ineffective politician.

Today, VP Biden was in St. Paul / Minneapolis, in support of Democratic gubernatorial candidate Dayton. Looks like the President may make an appearance as well, closer to the election.

It appears the battle of the outside politicians is in full sway in Minnesota. I keep wondering how it is that someone from anywhere else is supposed to be persuasive about Minnesota politics. So long as the Party of Nope is blocking legislative action, I guess they have nothing better to do.

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