Friday, July 27, 2012

Rounding out the week - recent Fiore animations

These couldn't be more appropriate as Mitts on R-money makes a shambles of appearing presidential by offending, repeatedly, the people of the UK. Well, maybe he has only offended those who are Anglo-Saxon; you know -- the WHITE people that he identifies with; he manages to overlook anyone else pretty easily. I'm sure there are plenty more god-awful bits and bobs to come before he's done.
And I can't wait to see how many other foreign gaffes he makes; it should be particularly interesting to see what he does in Israel. A VERY LARGE number of his more militant neo-con advisers hold dual U.S. / Israeli citizenship, which raises the legitimate question as to where their loyalties ultimately reside. I think there is an excellent argument that the policies espoused by Mitts on R-money to date sublimate what is best for the United States to serving the interests of the more far right wing hard liners in Israel. That would argue for more conflict in the area, not less, and put us in the thick of it, militarily and financially. R-money favors treating Palestinians as second class citizens the way our own Jim Crow laws used to treat African Americans.
I can't imagine why Mitts on R-money is going to make a stop in Poland, but we can only hope it is too brief to do much damage....


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