Thursday, January 11, 2024

It's going to be hard to deny there is a genocide in Gaza soon.

People in the United States are probably not aware that South Africa has instituted proceedings in the International Court of Justice against Israel for the genocide currently occurring in Gaza. This is a clip of Rev Munther Isaac's Christmas sermon being quoted in the proceedings.

The evidence produced by South Africa is pretty overwhelming that Israel is committing genocide. This will probably end up with the extent of the 75+ year ethnic cleansing called the Nakba being revealed.

I don't support terrorism: I support a struggle for national soverignity and the end to ethnic cleansing. I despise that a group can say "never again" to genocide, yet intend that to mean only for themselves. That group has been acting with impunity in disregarding international law.

So, my question to you is: do you advocate genocide?

Under international law, there is no justification for genocide. As as a matter of law or morality, there can be no justification for the lethal collective punishment and commision of the gravest of crimes – genocide – against an entire population. The October 7 attacks do not obviate the US’s corresponding duty to prevent the continuation of the unfolding genocide.

What lsrael's "defence" is an attempt at justifying genocide by claiming self-defence. This will backfire horribly on them since there is no justification for genocide. Perpetrators often claim that genocide victims presented a serious threat, justifying their actions by stating it was legitimate self-defense of a nation or state. Usually, this also comes from a sense of superiority, which is found in highly nationalistic philosophies, which is what Zionism is.

Genocide justification also helps perpetrators accept their actions and role in the genocide, preserving their self-image. In this case, their victimhood.

Just remember the Zionists and their apologists arguments are an attempt to justify genocide, which is not a possibility under international law. So, the question for them should be something along the line of "are you trying to justify genocide? Doesn't that go against 'never again’?"

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