Thursday, September 5, 2024

Discard the duopoly!

I know that at least one of my other co-bloggers was buying into Russiagate, but it was the arrogance of trying to run Hilary Clinton in 2008 and 2016 followed by the "nomination" of Joe Biden and then Kamala Harris which was the ultimate sickener for me.

It was also an eye opener since duopoly politics diverts from real issues to "culture wars"/"hot button" issues, while the real problems get worse. It also neglects popular opinion, which in this case is asking the government to follow the laws on the books about genoicide and aid to nations which violate the nuclear non-proliferation treaty.

This man explains another reason why Russiagate is BS:

Support for Israel violates §502B & §620I of the Foreign Assistance Act,  Under §4 of National Security Memorandum 18, the Conventional Arms Transfer Policy, 18 USC § 1091 and 18 U.S. Code § 2441 (Jen-o-Side), 1961 Foreign Aid Act which prohibits aid to nations which have nuclear weapons.

I hope that the perpetrators and enablers of genocide are convicted of their crimes.

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