Sunday, April 29, 2012

Many of the Few Democratic Legislators Belonging to ALEC Decide to QUIT

Democratic legislators are leaving ALEC even faster than corporations continue to do so.  While I predict they will be much slower to come to their senses and abandon such egregious corruption, I believe that the conservatives in the face of rising outrage at allowing out of state obscene special interest money sources to draft legislation, will find themselves in uncomfortable positions defending their actions to the living breathing not-special-interest constituents who elect them.  There comes a point where no amount of money will guarantee a conservative an election, when people are knowledgeable enough, and angry enough about what they know. 

The electorate should be angry - very angry.  We the people are getting the shaft while the big money that pays off our legislators gets richer, makes bigger profits, unfair, unequal and disproportionate profits at our expense.  Simply put, we do not like it when the party which promises transparency meets and drafts legislation in secret - often outside the state where it is passed.  We do not like our legislators being paid off, either directly or indirectly by entities competing with our interests and the service of our legislators.

Right wing culture war agendas are unwelcome, and unpopular.  In record breaking numbers, the legislation by the right is being undone or overturned, and those elected to government are being thrown out with deliberate haste.

I used to have respect for conservatives; I used to BE a conservative.  Now they are fact averse, anti-education, anti-science, and selling out to an unprecedented degree since the late 19th / earliest part of the 20th century to corrupt big money.  Their arrogance since the latter 20th century and the first decade of this century is unprecedented in my life time.

Here is the latest on the legislators leaving ALEC.  If the Corp-o-rats are the businesses, like Koch and WalMart (and others), and lobbyists for big money entities like the NRA interceded for gun manufacturers, then the legislators are the crew of the sinking ship, heading for the exits -- and the dinghys.

From the Nation:

Meet the 28 Lawmakers Who Have Quit ALEC This Month


  1. 5 RTs of tis on Twitter. ALEC is evil, stealing our democracy.

  2. There is absolutely no excuse for democrats, even conservative democrats, not to see what is corrupt about this organization and how it works. The moral left had led the way and left.

    If there really are principled republicans, and that is not a political science myth, then it is high time they stood up and were counted by renouncing ALEC too. Better late than never. Never is going to get them tossed out on their rat rears.
