Thursday, October 18, 2012

More Republican 'Masculine' Violence?

It was cute when in the Indiana Jones movies 'Indy' was the dog's name. Tag was the name of the dog in the reading instruction series, 'Fun with Dick and Jane'; how much thought went into naming this baby after a dog?  Apparently as much attention as they spent teaching their kids about not being violent.  Maybe that was the housekeeper's job too?

It's so easy for conservatives to be hypocrites; they get so much practice.

Aggression does not make one masculine; might does not make right. 

But what would you expect from the son of a man who as a kid himself organized five on one violence against a fellow student? 

Conservatives are intolerant of freedom for others of differences of thought or action; they compel conformity, violently if necessary.  That is not really loving freedom, but it is indicative of authoritarian personalities and the politics that go with it.

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