Thursday, January 16, 2025

Stop the rise of Oligarchy if you want a truly free society.

 Nothing like George Monbiot to sum up some of the thoughts I have been having. True this video is a bit long, but he makes a lot of good points.

And Cécilia Jourdan on how France has so many more political parties than the one US Party that is in power.

Yes, just one US political party which tries to hide the fact that there is no real difference between the two parties, as the man says.

Please comment if you know, or can provide the exact quote, by the African politician who said something alone these lines in response to Western Politicians pushing "democracy" on their one party systems: "Does having having two parties make you twice as democratic as we are? Three, thre times?"

Saturday, December 28, 2024

Shocking Report Shows How Democrats Protected Biden

OK, I left the Democrats in 2016 when they ran Hilary Clinton over Bernie Sanders. It would be nice if more people looked into third parties to get some change in the political landscape. 

Thursday, December 26, 2024

Whose side are you on?

 This is for the Christians who ignore the Arabic members in their family of faith. The ones who don't condemn the persecution of the Palestinian Christians:

This carol refers to the Massacre of the Innocents, in which Herod ordered all male infants under the age of two in Bethlehem to be killed, and takes the form of a lullaby sung by mothers of the doomed children. 

Appropriate given that the majority of victims of the current genocide are children.

Stop talking about the sanctity of life if you are not doing what you can to try and stop this.

Wednesday, December 25, 2024

Merry Palestinian Christmas

 There is a segment of the Community which claims to be Christian and "Bible believing" that needs a serious refresher course on the subject of the nativity. You will get more than your share if you hang around Palestinians. So, let's begin with Amer Zhar, who is a politician, comedian, lawyer, and vocal advocate for Palestinian rights:

 And a little more of Rev. Munther Isaac:

 And for how this plays out:

 Unfortunately, the supporters of the Zionist state neglect how much the Levant is the cradle of the Chrisitian faith. They also ignore that Christians are being driven out of this land despite their long connections to it (like, from the beginning).

A message from Father Issa Thaljieh, Greek Ortodox priest at the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem, Occupied Territories @fatherissathaljieh  

Let's not forget the Pope, who is far more aware of the situation in this regions than most Western Politicians.

And so I leave you with this Christmas Wish:

Sunday, December 22, 2024

A question to ponder this Christmas

 A good question: What exactly is it that the Christian Zionist are really supporting? 

I keep seeing great material that is worth sharing, like this joint message from A joint message from Rev Dr Munther Issac and Dr Husam Zumlot @hzomlot.


Learn more about Palestinian Christians here:

As churches look toward Advent and the town of Bethlehem, Christians in the Holy Land are lighting their candles, hoping for a Christmas miracle and urgently asking for our help.

Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men. Luke 2:14.