Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Best thing I've seen so far today

It's a shame this wasn't incorporated into a bumper sticker during the 2012 election cycle; I hope it stays around for 2014.

What particularly struck me was the reflection that the Romney/ Lyin' Ryan campaign was just recirculating clearly failed and rejected George W. Bush policies and relying on George W. Bush advisers for the most part.

But as a much larger context, we have not seen a new idea despite promises they would present them; we have not seen new candidates of any valid quality either. What we have seen is an attempt to return variously to the worst of the 1950s, or to try to recreate an alternate universe version of the 1930s.

The attempts to keep women and minorities in a subordinate place to an old, white, advantaged male demographic is too blatant to pretend otherwise. The attempts to reject the science of global warming, of evolution, of factual history, and of proven economic practice is too overwhelming to pretend otherwise.

The youngest voters have not themselves witnessed those eras, and most of us who are older really only know those periods through the virtue of being closer to them in experience, but heavily augmented by better and more accurately analytical history.

So it would seem we need to underline how old, how stale, how failed the same old same old really is from the right, between now and the elections of November 2014. We do not improve, we do not grow, we do not develop, we do not advance if we go backwards, if we return or are stuck in the same old same old pile of crap.

That is most particularly true in the economics analogy of the horse and sparrow, where the 99% are expected to pick out their living from the few oats passed through that remain in a pile of horse dung after the horse has consumed the bulk of what is good and necessary to life. We are not birds, we are not 'bird brains' either. This country does not benefit from the majority being handed shit, or as this metaphor posits it "the same old crap" we have been handed before by those who would co-opt wealth and power.

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