Addicting info is a fascinating web site. I like their careful fact checking, unlike so many right wing sources, that operate in a silly little bubble where there is little if any credibility checking or challenge.
The right wing ideology is one of people who see themselves as perpetual victims, living in fear of....mostly made up shit. The things they see as hurting them don't usually do anything of the kind, or act in the way they believe. They totally miss the things FROM the right which harm their interests.
They are a political spectrum of the ignorant, fact-challenged, and paranoid, which becomes more severe the further to the right they go. I found the enemies list article posted below of particular interest since the far right wing nut ScaifeNet lists this blog as one of their most dire foes, and republishes everything we write without our consent. That way they can post comments without fear of being held accountable for any form of fact checking, errors, or misrepresentations, etc. - you know, like the right wing does. Alas, we do not appear to have made the NRA enemies list, at least not yet.
I am encouraged to try harder, in hopes of being a later addition. Unlike the righties, I'm not fearful, or paranoid, nor do I live in one of their silly bubbles where the courage, sanity, oxygen and facts are equally thin.
Addicting Info has an excellent article -
link HERE - about the NRA's paranoia and deception, regarding their enemies list. The NRA has for a long time appeared to inflate their numbers, including specifically counting in their life-time members who are are in fact dead. Presumably being a member for life means that it is no longer appropriate to be counted in that membership once you to go on to your eternal rest, but perhaps they have some small print caveat that allows them to count backward to reach any random number they care to claim, alive or dead. Sort of like the Mormons being able to convert people against their will after they die, through retroactive baptism. What they do with your name after you've croaked your last has no relationship to what you believed, supported or endorsed when you were alive. Lifetime membership in the NRA is in any case a category based not on duration of membership, participation or support, but on the expenditure for membership, and someone can add you to the ranks of the NRA without your knowledge or consent - kind of like the Mormon baptism - through a gift made in your name.
Please keep these little vagaries of NRA so-called 'membership' in mind while reading the following from Addicting Info:
Paranoid NRA Releases Enemy List – Are YOU On It?
Enemy lists…They go back as far as politics have been a part of our
culture. Nixon, Joseph McCarthy, Pol Pot, Stalin, Lenin, Hitler, Saddam
Hussein, and Generalissimo Francisco Franco, who is, we believe, still
dead. In the 1970s the most famous, though not largest list to date
became public, was
Nixon’s Enemies List. It had 207 names. This month the
National Rifle Association released its own enemies list. It has 525 names, associations, sports teams, and corporations.
A couple of things become apparent while reviewing the NRA list.
First, they have no concept of data record formatting. Second, at least
some of the folks on the NRA list are dead – which rings familiar to the
persistent rumors that
many of the NRA “Life” Members are dead as
well. Third, unlike Nixon, the NRA didn’t list the politicians who
support gun regulations, nor are any of the new media sites – like we
here at
Addicting Info or
Occupy the NRA on the list.
Back to the list. 24 major medical associations, from the AMA to the
American Association of Neurological Surgeons populate the list of NRA
enemies. And so are the American Bar Association, National Education
Association, the Catholic Conference, United Church of Christ, United
Methodist Church and the American Jewish Conference. From the world of
sports are the Kansas City Chiefs, Kansas City Royals and the St. Louis
Hollywood is represented by a wide variety of actors…from TV’s Barney
Miller – Hal Linden to Rambo – Sylvester Stallone to NCIS’ Mark Harmon
to George Clooney, Matt Damon, Kevin Bacon, MacGyver’s Richard Dean
Anderson. Also on the list, Sigourney Weaver, Oprah Winfrey, Shania
Twain, Meryl Streep and Barbra Streisand – the only person to be on both
Nixon and the NRA’s lists.
Former politicians Jimmy Carter, Ed Koch and C. Everett Coop are also
listed along with political powerhouse, the AARP, 32Million strong.
It might be easier to write who is NOT on the list.
And that brings up the philosophy of having an enemies list. If a
person or group is confident in their position, confident in the support
that they have, they would have a supporter’s list rather than enemies
list. Showcase the hundreds of public figures, industry leaders and
organizations that support your cause, your philosophy. You know, like
Ted Nugent and
Alex Jones.
But that doesn’t happen…ever. And it is because an enemies list is a weak defense of an untenable position.
Read the very scary
LIST here. Pray you’re not on it…Booga Booga!