Thursday, January 24, 2013

Rand Paul is an idiot and worse

Are you trying to flatter teabaggers, Rand? Because those illiterates are so trusting, and so ignorant. Or are you just being a corrupt right wing liar AGAIN?

Rand Paul is clearly smart enough to know better, and smart enough to exploit the chronically stupid on the right. He knows better. He is profiting quite well from his role in politics.

As someone who grew up with daily market analysis at the dinner table, here is the reality. Sometimes the market goes up, and sometimes it goes down. There is money to be made or lost when the market goes in either direction. If you're in the market for long enough with the right mix of investments, you will make money.

But it is a very specialized area of expertise, and along with the admonition to buy low and sell high, is the advice not to invest if you can't afford to lose the money. That does not apply to social security funds for most people, and NO, most people are not dumb, but neither are they sophisticated or have sufficient expertise to manage their social security funds privately. If you want those kinds of funds to play the market, save them for your retirement as entertainment funds. One of the greatest aspects of social security is the security aspect of it. Without the security in social security, it is useless.

As we have seen all too well under the failed Bush administration, where a lot of people, ordinary every day hard working people, lost most or all of their retirement investments.

More than that, we see elderly people scammed all the time, people who are, as a group, prone to being more vulnerable to scams or simply susceptible to bad advice regarding money and their investments. So NO, Rand; quit trying to push a scam that would only benefit Wall Street at the expense of those who are eligible for Social Security.

Shame on you, you asshole. You are pushing an agenda that will rip off the middle class and lower economic classes.  Better than privatizing, you SOB, let's raise the cap, let's remove the cap, permanently.  That would not only stabilize any danger to the funding of social security, it would enable some additional funding of medicare and medicaid if we so choose, and would fund expanding not limiting benefits for the elderly and other recipients who need it and rely on it.

There should be a special hell for people like Rand Paul who try to pick the pockets of elderly, children and disabled people for the benefit of Wall Street.

1 comment:

  1. The very fact the politicians like Rand Paul get as far as they do baffles the heck out of me! Who are those that put this freak in office is my question?? god please don't let him be allowed to run in 2016!
